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Deaths • Nécrologie
CMAJ 2000;163(7):939

Bellamy, Richard P., Wetaskiwin, Alta.; University of Manitoba, 1944; family practice; MCFP; RCAMC, WW II; former staff, Wetaskiwin Municipal Hospital. Died May 24, 2000, aged 82; survived by his wife, Dr. Lorna, and 4 children.

Forbes, Donald E., Victoria; Dalhousie University, 1951; CCFP, MCFP; former staff, Royal Columbian and Surrey Memorial hospitals; visiting staff, St. Mary's Hospital. Died May 14, 2000, aged 76.

Frenette, Louis A., Québec (Qué.); Université Laval, 1939; chirurgie générale; ancien chirurgien en chef de l'Hôpital Laflèche. FICS, FACS, FRCSC. Décédé le 20 avril 2000, à l'âge de 88 ans.

Henderson, Robert B., Maple Ridge, BC; Dalhousie University, 1963; former staff, Granisle Community Health Resources and Health Centre; physician, United Church of Canada's Field Mission. Died of cancer May 8, 2000, aged 66; survived by his mother, Marjorie. His obituary stated: "He was often the only medical practitioner in the isolated communities he served. He was a life-long friend to a great many of the Haida and Heiltsuk nations. The Heiltsuk showed their love and respect by making him a full-fledged honorary chieftain. They will hold a memorial feast later this month."

Heseltine, John R., Saskatoon; University of Liverpool (England), 1944; LRCP(Lond.), FRCS(Eng.); former physician, Central Canada Potash, Colonsay and Allan Potash. Died of cancer May 22, 2000, aged 77; survived by his wife, Irene, 2 children and 4 stepchildren.

Iversen, Karsten, Kamloops, BC; Copenhagen University (Denmark), 1973; general surgery; FRCSC; former consulting staff, Royal Inland Hospital; staff, University Hospital ­ Shaughnessy Site. Died May 19, 2000, aged 52.

Jackson, Mary Percy, Manning, Alta.; University of Birmingham (England), 1927; MRCS(Eng.), LRCP(Lond.), MCFP; senior member, CMA. Died May 6, 2000, aged 95; survived by 6 children. In 1999 CMAJ reported: "Jackson was the first — and only — doctor in the Battle River District of Alberta when it had no roads, no electricity, no telegraph lines and no services. Before her arrival, finding the nearest doctor involved a 3-day journey south. Called out at all hours, she rode to her patients on horseback, packing her saddlebags carefully to keep her medical equipment from rattling and scaring her gelding, Daniel."

Jackson, Paul P., Surrey, BC; University of Oklahoma, 1942; general surgery; FACS; former staff, St. Paul's Hospital; clinical instructor, UBC. Died May 15, 2000, aged 84.

Kastelen, Nicoli R., Naramata, BC; University of Alberta 1967; orthopedic surgery; FRCSC; former team physician, Calgary Flames; member, Alberta Medical Association Board and board of British Columbia Medical Association Orthopedic Section. Died May 12, 2000, aged 59; survived by his wife, Fiona, and 3 sons. His obituary stated: "He had an extraordinary ability to make things grow and took great pride in his garden."

Mainprize, G. Jeffery, Etobicoke, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1950; family medicine; CCFP; former staff, Queensway General Hospital; attending staff, Runnymede Chronic Care Facility. Died May 8, 2000, aged 77; survived by 3 children.

Male, Thomas W., Guelph, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1965; psychiatry; FRCPC; former staff, Homewood Health Centre; consultant, Guelph General Hospital and St. Joseph's Hospital and Home. Died May 6, 2000, aged 61; survived by a son, Christopher.

Mann, John J., North York, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1943; MCFP; former staff, Queensway General Hospital; staff, Mount Sinai Hospital. Died Jan. 1, 2000, aged 80.

Nash, Richard M., Winnipeg; University of Dublin (Ireland), 1941; FRCS(Eng.); former staff, Misericordia and Victoria General hospitals. Died of cancer May 5, 2000, aged 82; survived by his wife, Mary, and 5 children.

Reinhardt, George H., Québec (Qué.); Université Laval, 1949; chirurgie neurologique; ancien membre du personnel de l'Hôpital du St-Sacrement; membre associé du personnel de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Québec; médecin en arbitrage médical pour la CSST; professeur adjoint à l'Université Laval; membre émérite de l'AMC. Décédé le 20 avril 2000, à l'âge de 78 ans.

Robertson, Cyril M., Richmond, BC; University of Alberta, 1940; RCAMC, WW II; former physician, Medical Services Association, Vancouver, Hospital Medical Records Institute, Toronto, and Workers' Compensation Board, Vancouver. Died May 2, 2000, aged 85; survived by his wife Dorothy, and 2 daughters. His obituary stated: "Intelligent and well read, he enjoyed his music and played a good game of poker."

Robinson, Geoffrey E., Tyne Valley, PEI; University of London (England), 1951; MRCS, LRCP, MCFP; former associate staff, King's County Memorial (Montague), Charlottetown and PEI hospitals; preceptor, family medicine, Dalhousie University. Died May 5, 2000, aged 78; survived by his wife, Dorothy, and 2 sons.

Whyte, Francis, Halifax; University of Glasgow (Scotland), 1949; LRCP&S(Edin.). Died May 25, 2000, aged 77; survived by 3 daughters.



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