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Manitoba hopes to lure specialists with signing bonuses
CMAJ 2000;163(8):1038[News & analysis in PDF]

The Manitoba government has reversed its stance on paying incentives to specialists by putting aside $1 million for just that purpose. The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority is now offering signing bonuses worth up to $15 000 from the $1-million fund, which was created last fall but not publicized until recently.

Earlier, Health Minister Dave Chomiak repeatedly said that his government would not get into a bidding war with other provinces to entice specialists to Manitoba. However, while Chomiak was publicly criticizing incentives, his government was clandestinely handing out bonuses to a few specialists who had become aware of the deal.

Dr. Mark Heywood, past president of the Manitoba Medical Association, says the MMA decided to publicize the bonuses to ensure that all doctors were aware of them.

Pam Trupish, the authority's new specialist physician recruiter, says it is too early to say how effective the bonuses will be at enticing out-of-province specialists to move to Manitoba. To date, 5 specialists have moved to Winnipeg, 4 have gone to Brandon and a Winnipeg surgeon relocated to northern Manitoba.

Dr. Brock Wright, the authority's chief medical officer, says Winnipeg still needs 36 specialists, including 5 general internists, 4 cardiologists and 3 pediatric surgeons. — David Square, Winnipeg



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