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eLetters: Free general medical journals
In response to: CMAJ's impact factor improves

James E. Till
Affiliation: University of Toronto
Posted on: November 3, 2000

It's good news that the CMAJ was in fifth place among the world's general medical journals in 1999 (after NEJM, JAMA, Lancet and BMJ), when ranked according to impact factors provided by the Institute for Scientific Information. There's additional good news. Of these five journals, only the BMJ and the CMAJ are, at present, freely and publicly available online. Data for October 2000, accessed via the website indicate that, of the free general medical journals, CMAJ is in second place when ranked according to impact factor. Of all the free medical journals listed at this website, the one with the highest impact factor is the Annals of Internal Medicine. It will be very interesting to see whether or not the impact factors for highly-ranked free medical journals will increase over the next few years, in comparison with those that are not free.


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