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Procedures of Submission for Publication in
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
ISSN 1481-4374 <>

    1) Scholarly articles in the length of 6,000 words are invited in comparative literature, cultural studies, and in comparative cultural studies. The three aras of study include literary, critical, and culture theory and methods / comparative literary history / the comparison of primary texts across languages and cultures / translation as comparative literature and comparative cultural studies / marginalities in comparison / diaspora, exile, migrant, and ethnic minority writing / feminist theory and criticism / gay/lesbian writing / comparative popular culture / film and other media and literature / lesser-known literatures in a comparative context / cross-disciplinary studies where literary texts and literary problems are examined with the use of sociological, economic, psychological, etc., frameworks and methods / literature and the history of publishing, the book, and writing / communication studies incl. readership and audience studies / studies on new trends in the study of literature and culture / and the introduction of new works and authors in a comparative context. Please see also Aims and Objectives <> and Procedures of Publication <> of CLCWeb.
    2) Contributions are accepted by e-mail only to the editor, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek at <>.
    3) Contributions must follow the Modern Language Association of America style of parenthetical sources and works cited format (no footnotes or end notes are used).
    4) Authors of contributions accepted for publication in the journal must explore and implement hyperlinks to books, articles, and other sites of interest (including such as publishers' web sites) and input the name of the item with the URL of it in prantheses (CLCWeb will make the link in the HTML format of the text).
    5) Authors of articles and book review articles submit an abstract of 200 words (placed on the page of the table of contents page of the issue) as well as an author's profile of 200 words (placed with the article).
    6) Publication of accepted material occurs upon official notification by the editor, normally in the next available issue of the journal and following the usual process of evaluation by peer-review, editing, formatting, etc. Contributors receive proofs of their material via e-mail in an attachment before publication and/or they have access to their work prior to official publication in the appropriate web page upon notification by the editor.
    7) For appropriate listing of electronic publications in lists of publications in vitae, in scholarly papers and books, etc., please copy from material in CLCWeb, see the MLA: Modern Language Association of America at <> or consult the most recent edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.

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CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal

ISSN 1481-4374 <>