and Communication Studies, Martin
Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Prof.Dr. Steven Totosy <>
Phone 0345-55-23632 (answering machine after five rings)
hours Thursdays 10:00-12:00, MUK Room 510
Foundational Texts of Media Studies / Originaltexte der Medienwissenschaft
analysis, practice)
16:00-18:00, MUK Room 505
1. Advanced reading and discussion of texts considered foundational in and for the field of media studies. Media studies and its epistemology are understood in the context of comparative culture and media studies and the texts selected include a variety of areas in media studies. For a basic text about comparative cultural studies see Steven Totosy de Zepetnek, "From Comparative Literature Today toward Comparative Cultural Studies," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 1.3 (1999): <>.
2. To receive a Teilnahmeschein for participation in the seminar the requirements are 2.1 library research, 2.2 participation in team presentations of reading material, 2.3 active participation in class discussions, and 2.4 a paper of 2000 words. The paper is written in German or English and is submitted by the end of the term 15 July 2003 to the instructor in a regular e-mail (no attachments) at<>. The format of the paper follows the MLA: Modern Language Association of America style of parenthetical sources, a works cited, and no footnotes or end notes (for an example go to CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture at <>). The topic of the 2000-word paper is: select two foundational texts of media studies and discuss the importance of the texts chosen. In the discussion of the texts, both intellectual and personal reasons for the choice of the texts are welcome.
3. To receive a Leistungsschein for participation in the seminar the requirements are 3.1 library research, 3.2 participation in team presentations of reading material, 3.3 active participation in class discussions, and 3.4 an essay (Hausarbeit) of 6000 words. Essay topics are to be discussed with the instructor. The essay is written in German or English. The format of the essay follows the MLA: Modern Language Association of America style of parenthetical sources, a works cited, and no footnotes or end notes (for an example go to CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture at <>). Deadline for the essay is 15 September 2003. The essay is formatted in Word and is e-mailed by the deadline in an attachment to the instructor at <>.
Reading material of the seminar includes a Course Reader (Textesammlung)
with a selection of English and German texts, available from Ms Ute Tintemann
(MUK Room 507).