CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal ISSN 1481-4374
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Media and Communication Studies, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Instructor: Prof.Dr. Steven Totosy <>
E-mail <> Phone 0345-55-23632 (answering machine after five rings)
Office hours Thursdays 10:00-12:00 a.m., MUK Room 510

Hauptseminar: Intercultural Communication / Interkulturelle Kommunikation
(theory, analysis, practice)
Wednesdays 18:00 to 20:00, MUK Room 505

1. Advanced reading in the foundations of intercultural communication and application/practice of intercultural communication. Work in the course ranges from the reading and discussion of foundational texts and approaches to current research in theory and practice. Team field work is part of the course in consultation with the instructor: team field work includes locating immigrant groups, immigrant group organizations, government (federal, state, city, and municipal) organizations, and other institutions such as the University of Halle-Wittenberg followed by team field trips to selected immigrant communities, organizations, and associations in order to conduct interviews, consultation, and participatory communication.

2. To receive a Teilnahmeschein for participation in the seminar the requirements are 2.1 reading of the course material provided, 2.2 participation in team presentations of reading material and results of team field work, 2.3 active participation in class discussions, and 2.4 a team report about the team field work conducted performed in 2000 words. The paper is written in German or English and is submitted by the end of the term 15 July 2003 to the instructor in a regular e-mail (no attachments) at<>. The format of the paper follows the MLA: Modern Language Association of America style of parenthetical sources, a works cited, and no footnotes or end notes (for an example go to CLCWeb: Comparative Literature andCulture at <>).

3. To receive a Leistungsschein for participation in the seminar the requirements are 3.1 reading of the course material provided, 3.2 participation in team presentations of reading material and results of team field work, 3.3 active participation in class discussions, and 3.4 an essay (Hausarbeit) of 6000 words. Essay topics are to be discussed with the instructor. The essay is written in German or English. The format of the essay follows the MLA: Modern Language Association of America style of parenthetical sources, a works cited, and no footnotes or end notes (for an example go to CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Cultureat <>). Deadline for the essay is 15 September 2003. The essay is formatted in Word and is e-mailed by the deadline in an attachment to the instructor at <>.

4. Reading material of the seminar includes a Course Reader (Textesammlung), available from Ms Ute Tintemann (MUK Room 507).