CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal ISSN 1481-4374
CLCWeb Library of Research and Information
<> © Purdue University Press

Media and Communication Studies, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Instructor: Prof.Dr. Steven Totosy <>
E-mail <> Phone 0345-55-23632 (answering machine after five rings)
Office hours Thursdays 10:00-12:00 a.m., MUK Room 510

Hauptseminar: Bilingual German-English Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies /
Deutsch-Englisches Fachwörterbuch für Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften
(theory, analysis, practice)
Tuesdays 12:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., MUK Room 505

1. The objective of the seminar is the development of a bilingual dictionary/glossary and taxonomy of terms and notions in English and in German in the field of media and communication studies. Presentations and discussion in teams of four participants are about terms and concepts in English and in German in historical, epistemological, and critical contexts. Work in the seminar includes the selection, discussion, and definition of terms and concepts. The dictionary is planned to be published online based on the seminar participants' work.

2. To receive a Teilnahmeschein for participation in the seminar the requirements are 2.1 library research and reading, 2.2 participation in team work in the selection, discussion, and presentation of terms and concepts from material provided as well as researched in library work, 2.3 team presentations in oral and written forms of material researched, organized, and written for the dictionary/taxonomy, and 2.4 a 2000-word section per team developed for the dictionary (a team consists of four participants).

3. To receive a Leistungsschein for participation in the seminar the requirements are 3.1 library research and reading, 3.2 participation in team work in the selection, discussion, and presentation of terms and concepts from material provided as well as researched in library work, 3.3 team presentations in oral and written forms of material researched, organized, and written for the dictionary/taxonomy, and 3.4 an 6000-word section per team developed for the dictionary (a team consists of four participants). Deadline for the 6000-word dictionary section is 15 September 2003 and is e-mailed by the deadline in an attachment to the instructor at <>.

4. Reading material of the seminar includes a Course Reader (Textesammlung) consisting of a German and an English selection of taxonomy, available from Ms Ute Tintemann (MUK Room 507).

5. Additional material for work on the taxonomy are available online at Steven Totosy de Zepetnek, "Toward a Framework of Audience Studies," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2000): <> and "Definitions for the Study of Communication and Culture," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture (Library) (2000): <>.