Canadian Copyright Law Ad

CM Magazine

Volume 1 Number 1

June 16, 1995

Canadian Copyright Law

If you create a work, you must know how your work can be legally protected.

If you use a work created by someone else, you must ensure that your use complies with copyright law.

This second edition includes comprehensive revisions to reflect both changes in the Copyright Act and the impact of recent technological developments. Lesley Ellen Harris discusses in everyday language the current copyright law, including its fundamental principles, the legal rights it protects, and the obligations it creates.

Canadian Copyright Law, Second Edition is a practical and concise guide for writers, musicians, visual artists, filmmakers, multimedia producers, publishers, editors, teachers, librarians, students, business people and lawyers; revised to deal with new media, electronic rights, and the Information Superhighway, plus an expanded section on international copyright, and includes the full text of the consolidated Copyright Act (including GATT changes, effective January 1, 1996).

$22.99 paperback, 320 pages, 6" x 9"
ISBN 0-07-552547-X

About the Author

Lesley Ellen Harris is a lawyer who consults on Canadian, U.S., and international rights issues as they relate to the arts, entertainment, information and technology. Ms. Harris has published extensively on copyright in Billboard, Canadian Author, Copyright, Feliciter, The Journal, The Law Librarian, Quill & Quire, and the Osgoode Hall Law Journal. Prior to consulting on copyright, Ms. Harris was Senior Copyright Officer at the Department of Communications (now Heritage Canada), and Executive Secretary of the Canadian Copyright Institute.

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``A practical lay-out, good design structure, simple straightforward language, extensive index and the use of chapter end summaries combine to make this text an extremely functional research tool."
The Canadian Bar Review

``The explanation of the different forms of intellectual property -- patents, trademarks, industrial design, confidential information and trade secrets, and copyright -- is a masterpiece of clear, concise writing."
Canadian Copyright Institute Newsletter

``Lesley Harris has written a concise but detailed handbook that will prove useful to authors, librarians, and anyone else -- creator or user -- who wants a quick summary of Canadian copyright law. Her book is also a convenient reference tool, with address and telephone numbers, an index and appendices, including The Copyright Act, to facilitate the checking of a particular point."
Quill & Quire Magazine

Volume 1 Number 1

In this Issue

A message from the editor


Canadian Children's Book Week
Information from the Canadian Children's Book Centre


Branch of the Talking Teeth, by Ishbel Moore
A review by Helen Norrie
The Book of Changes, by Tim Wynne-Jones
A review by Val Nielsen
Canadian Copyright Law, by Lesley Ellen Harris
A review by Neil Campbell


The best in books and videos for young people in the last year

Advertising Feature

Canadian Copyright Law
Published by McGraw Hill

About CM Magazine

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Volume 1, the first 14 issues, June 16. 1995 through September 15, 1995, will be distibuted free to Canadian subscribers courtesy of CM Magazine.
Volume 2, first 38 issues, September 22, 1995 through June 7, 1996, will be distributed free to Manitoba subscribers courtesy of a Manitoba charitable foundation; elsewhere, $42.00 (no tax) for the complete volume 2 of 52 issues.

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Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

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