CM magazine canadian review of materials

Index of CD-ROM Reviews


Alphabetical by Title

intBeyond the Sambatyon: The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes.
Creative Multimedia.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 5 - 10 / Ages 11 - 15.

INTBodyWorks 5.0: Discover the World Beneath Your Skin.
SoftKey International Inc.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 5 - 8 / Ages 10 - 14.

cdnCanada's Visual History CD-ROM.
Review by Valerie Nielsen.
Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up.

CDNThe 1996 Canadian Encyclopedia Plus.
Review by Duncan Thornton.
Grades 6 - 13 / Ages 11 - Adult.

cdnThe Canadian Geographic Explorer.
IQ Media Holdings.
Review by Gary Evans.
Grades 10 - 12 / Ages 14 and up.

CDNCanadisk '95.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 5 - 13 / Ages 11 - 18.

CDNEarth Explorer.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 5 - 8 / Ages 10-12.

INT Edward Lear's.
Book of Nonsense.
Review by Theresa Yauk.
Grades 3 and Up / Ages 8 to Adult.

CDNEnglish Express: Everything you need to improve your English.
Writers/Editors: Judy Derksen, Susan Main, Esther Wang.
Art by Tongjun Zhao.
Review by Thomas Chambers.
Grades 7 - 11 / Ages 12 - 16.

cdnFly Past: The Collection of the National Aviation Museum.
Digital Renaissance (Producer and designer).
Review by Valerie Nielsen.
Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.

cdnGreat Canadian Scientists Version 1.0
Barry Shell.
Review by Kendall Neufeld and Ian Stewart.
Grades 8 and up / Ages 14 and up.

cdnHas Anybody Seen My Umbrella?
Jane Churchill (Director/Game Designer). Tamara Lynch (Producer). Tim Latchem (Associate Producer).
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades Kindergarten - 2 / Ages 5 - 7.

cdnIn the Beginning ... Northwest Passage.
IDON East Corporation.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 6 - 12 / Ages 11 - 18.

cdnKlondike Gold Rush.
IDON East Corporation.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 6 - 12 / Ages 11 - 18.

cdnMaking History: Louis Riel and the North-West Rebellion of 1885.
Janes Monro Productions, Inc. (in co-production with the National Film Board of Canada).
Review by Gary Evans.
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up.

INT Multimedia Cats: The Complete Interactive Guide to Cats.
Review by Diane Fitzgerald.
Grades 2 - 6 / Ages 6 - 10.

cdnParliament Hill: An Interactive Tour.
Voyageur Interactive Technologies Limited.
Review by Gary Evans.
Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.

cdnThe Spirit Lives: Planning for Success.
Canadian Bankers Association, et al.
Review by Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up.

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CM: Canadian Review of Materials is copyright © The Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is main tained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
