
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Issue 15 (January-February, 1993) and 16 (March-Apri1,1993)
Canadian Video News, 1993. VHS cassette, 28 min.,
ISSN 1192-2583, Six issues per year, $379.00 per year/$69.00 per issue.
Includes study guide, Distributed by Canadian Video News, 65
Heward Ave., Suite 202, Toronto, Ont. M4M 2T5.

Reviewed by Paul Harrison

Volume 22 Number 3
1994 May / June

For teachers and librarians wishing a compact bi-monthly collection of major news events,  Canadian Video News offers some interesting possibilities. From the news stories of the previous two months a new video is assembled and offered for sale. Each cassette contains five subjects. Issue l5, January- February l993, includes the following: "PM Mulroney Resigns" (9:15), "Appetite for Life: Diet and Weight Consciousness" (4:12), "Date Abuse" (2:20), "Paul Bernardo" (4:25), and "Rolling the Dice: Legalized Gambling" (11:00). Issue 16, March-April 1993, includes these titles: "On the Streets/High Arctic Exiles" (5:00), "Who is Kim Campbell?" (2:22), "Kurdistan: A Forgotten People" (3:30), "Appetite for Life: Diet and Exercise" (8:00) and "Rolling the Dice, Part 2: Tribal Owned Casinos" (8:00).

All these segments have been taken directly from Global Telelvision News broadcasts. The choice of subject is wide-ranging and has potential application in politics, ethics, family studies, business, health, economics, law and social studies.

A study guide accompanies each video and offers to the teacher/librarian/presenter a variety of very useful information, which includes; a synopsis, a before-viewing section, several quotations for discussion (directly from the broadcast), notable vocabular (e.g., from "Kurdistan: A Forgotten People," "Kurdish," "Saddam Hussein," "infrastructure," "rubble," "blockade," "guerrilla," "Iraq," "chemical," "genocide"), and several follow-up questions and activities in "After Viewing." Each study guide concludes with an article of contemporary interest reprinted from  Maclean's.

The real value of these cassettes lies in their relative "up-to-dateness" and their having five topics together on one tape. Overall, the technical quality is acceptable: the images are focused and the sound is clear.

The price list offers a number of options. With current budget restrictions it would be extremely difficult for individual schools or individual libraries to purchase the subscription with upgraded site fee ($570.00); however, a school district or library board might do so.

Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up

Paul Harrison is a teacher at John F. Ross Collegiate and Vocational Institute in Guelph, Ontario

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