
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Directed by John Kenchenten
Ministry of Economic Development,
Small Business and Tourism in cooperation with
the Ministry of Education (B.C.), 1992. VHS cassette $150.00
Business Opportunities and Ideas, (11 min.),
Researching a Business Idea, (11 min.),
Developing a Business Plan, (11 min.),
Includes a teacher's guide. Distributed by T.H.A. Media Distributors.

Reviewed by Melanie Fogel

Volume 22 Number 4
1994 September

The video component of this package comprises three brief programs of 11 or so minutes each. A teenage moderator interviews two young entrepreneurs and one who wants to start her own business. Clips of other young people at their jobs suggest some very practical enterprises for teens. The information is sensible and realistic. There's nothing particularly youth-oriented about it. The programs cover discovering business opportunities, researching a business idea, and developing a business plan. The accompanying study guide meticulously details the same information in six lessons. Perhaps because this was produced for the British Columbia government, there is no mention of taxes or government-induced headaches.

Frankly, I found the young people most unappealing, especially the moderator. Presumably they are young so that students can identify with them. Unfortunately, the whole premise of "Yes, you really can run your own business even if you're a kid" collapses when the cast of characters appears at the end of each video. They are all actors.

The programs will never air on MTV, but serious-minded students who appreciate the necessity of creating jobs when there are none to be had will probably sit through them. Financing an enterprise is very well covered, but there is an underlying assumption that these kids started with money, or at least monied parents. Teachers in poorer areas will have to rely on their own creative imagination and the brainstorming section of the video (which was good) to help their students come up with ideas.

Recommended for teachers with enough business background to supplement the shortcomings. They may want to junk the video and keep the study guide.

Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up

Melanie Fogel is a freelance writer based in Ottawa, Ontario

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