
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Matt Hughes
Toronto, Maxwell Macmillan Canada, 1994.
214pp, paper, 0-02-954248-0 (cloth) $14.95,
ISBN 0-02-590785-9 (paper) $9.95. CIP

Reviewed by Melanie Fogel

Volume 22 Number 4
1994 September

Fools Errant isn't quite as funny as  Gulliver's Travels, but that may be because we are a shallower age, so that exploding our follies and foibles doesn't make quite as big a bang. It isn't as outrageous either, perhaps for the same reasons. But it's a very funny, charming book and well worth the read.

It is the Earth's penultimate age, when relict technology seems to work as by magic. Filidor, heir to the Archonate of those regions still inhabited by humans, must deliver a mysterious box to his uncle the Archon, and so begins a journey guided (led by the nose might be a better term) by the aggravatingly wise dwarf Gaskarth. The hapless Filidor undergoes hilariously harrowing adventures, for the most part caused by his failure to understand the excesses of the cultures he encounters.

The most entertaining aspect of the book is Hughes' use of language, at which he is a master--more Fielding/Sterne than Swift. To cite one example, Filidor and some travelling companions have been enslaved by a colony of giant ants. The fungus that surrounds them turns out to be a flesh eater. During their rest period in extremely cramped quarters, one of the female travellers is eyeing Filidor concupiscently:

     "Madam," he said, "you must accept that
     we suffer from a clash of cultural mores
     not to mention personal predilections. In
     any case," he continued as Chasmar
     pressed herself against him and stroked
     his thigh, "being covered in spores, we
     should afford them no gratuitous
     opportunities to invade our bodies."

The vocabulary, however, is probably beyond the level of the publishers recommended age thirteen. Many grown-ups will have to consult their dictionaries for "piacularity," "sternutatious" and "hylotheism."

Other than speech writing for politicians, this seems to be Hughes' first foray into fiction. Let's hope it's not his last.

Highly recommended.

Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up

Melanie Fogel is a freelance writer based in Ottawa, Ontario

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