
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Frances Arnold
Illustrated by Lori Broadfoot
Winnipeg, Jem Books, 1994. 32pp, paper, $6.95,
ISBN 0-9697473-0-6. Distributed by
Pemmican Publications. R3C 4K9. CIP

Reviewed by Lorrie Ann Wannamaker

Volume 22 Number 4
1994 September

We're Still a Family is an emotionally charged collection of stories told from a child's point of view. The young child experiences tragedy in the split-up of his family.

An adult needs to read this book first--I found myseIf becoming quite tearful. The stories do an excellent job of confirming the intense feelings one goes through in a family separation.

Author Frances Arnold has based her stories on the experiences of her own child a well as others who have gone through this traumatic event. This first-hand experience is apparent in the well-written stories.

The sketches in the book are soft and the children are encouraged in the introduction to colour them. This is first time Lori Broadfoot, the illustrator, has done a children's book. She's has captured the child's turmoil well.

I recommend this book, but caution readers that this story may be best shared one to one, due to the reactions it might cause. I would want to be very confident of how I would handle a separation question before offering to read this book to a group.

Kindergarten to Grade 3 / Ages 5 to 8

Lorrie Ann Wannamaker is a vice-principal at Prince of Wales School in Hamilton, Ontario

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