
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

George Seremba
Winnipeg Blizzard Publishing, 1993. 57pp,
paper, $10.95, ISBN 0-921368-34-8. CIP

Reviewed by Melanie Fogel

Volume 22 Number 4
1994 September

George Seremba is an Idi Amin survivor. For this if no other reason,  Come Good Rain should be experienced; but whether it should be seen (as opposed to read) would depend very much on who does the production.

Seremba played himself and the thirty other characters in the original production. It must have been quite a  tour de force, as the dialogue can rapidly switch from one character to another. Since some of it is in Swahili (I think) and, for other reasons, a technical adviser would be requisite.

The play opens to the sound of a flute, which "plays a haunting melody that will become a recurring theme." We are not given the music, nor the music for the many songs which come with English translations but are meant to be sung in the original. Act I takes us from Seremba's childhood to his arrest. Act II details his torture, his escape from Ugandan soldiers in a hail of gunfire, and his eventual rescue, recuperation, and flight from Uganda.

Seremba's story is not unique to himself or Uganda. His play, gripping to read, must have been uniquely enhanced by being performed by its lead character. Recommended reading, but probably beyond any amateur company's ability to produce.


Melanie Fogel is a freelance writer in Ottawa, Ontario

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