CM . . . .
Volume V Number 17 . . . . April 23, 1999
Queen Nadine.
Kovalski. Illustrated by Maryann Kovalski.
Victoria, BC: Orca Book Publishers (Distributed by General Distribution
Services), 1998.
32 pp, cloth, $17.95.
ISBN 1-55143-093-2.
Grades K-3 / Ages 4-8.
Review by Alison Mews.
**** /4
When she reached the place where her stones had been, Nadine saw
nothing but fields of corn. She searched between the rows, hoping against
hope that the beautiful stone would be there, safe and sound. But it
wasn't. Then she saw it. The stone was smashed in half and hollow.
Nadine's knees became wobbly. With a heavy heart, she lay down and closed
her eyes. It was very quiet, except for the young corn rustling in the
breeze. On a faraway road, a flatbed truck clattered.
Close by, a baby chick peeped.
"A baby chick?" said Nadine, astonished. She nosed around a clump of
moving grass and out it hopped. "Well I'll be," Nadine muttered, looking
across the wide field to the distant henhouse. "How on earth did you
manage to get all that way on those itty bitty legs?"
Nadine is a contented cow who loves her life on the farm, her stone
collection and old farmer Pete. She is nicknamed Queen Nadine by the other
cows who mistake her aloofness and complacency for a superior air. One day
Nadine discovers a white oval stone and adds it to her collection. The
other cows, recognizing an egg, snidely advise her to handle it carefully
and keep it warm. For weeks, Nadine treasures it; singing to it, sitting
on it, and covering it up each night before she leaves the pasture. But
one morning, instead of being led to the pasture, the cows are trucked to
a new farm because Pete was finding a dairy farm too much to handle.
Nadine pines for her farm, for Pete, and especially for her remarkable
stone. Finally, after all attempts to rouse Nadine fail, Pete fetches her
home where she bounds out of his truck "like a gazelle" to check on her
stone. She is heartbroken when she finds it shattered, but, when a baby
chick miraculously appears and bonds with Nadine, she is amazed and
somewhat comforted. The chick and Nadine become inseparable and when, as a
full-grown chicken, it continues to perch on her head, it so resembles a
crown that folks affectionately call her Queen Nadine.
There is much to enjoy in this gentle story. In both words and pictures,
Kovalski has painted Nadine as an endearing, if foolish, character. Unlike
the noodlehead in The Mare's Egg, who mistakenly believes a pumpkin
to be an egg, Nadine's innocence is rewarded. Kovalski's skill as an
illustrator is evident as she imparts mood through a judicious use of
colour and design. In the opening pages, she has created two separate
pictures; one of a solitary Nadine viewing the pastoral countryside, while
Pete fixes a fence nearby; and another where all the other cows are
crowded together gossiping. This immediately sets the tone, and the
cheerful summery greens that prevail throughout the book provide an
emotional contrast when interrupted by the strident blacks and whites of
the bawling cows inside the truck or the subdued browns when Pete
contemplates selling the cows. The callousness of the other cows
emphasizes Nadine's compassionate nature, and children will commiserate
with her. They will, however, quickly grasp the truth of the oval stone,
especially with the visual clues provided in the illustrations, and will
delight in its satisfying conclusion.
Highly Recommended.
Alison Mews is the Coordinator of the Centre of the Centre for Instructional Services in the
Faculty of Education at Memorial University of Newfoundland.
To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364