CM . . . .
Volume V Number 9 . . . . January 1, 1999
Albert Goes to Town
Jennifer Jordan.
Illustrated by Shannon McNeill. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books
(Distributed in Canada by Raincoast Books), 1997.
24 pp., cloth, $19.95.
ISBN 0-8118-0860-2.
Grades preschool - 1 / Ages 2 - 6.
Review by Luella Sumner.
**** /4
Mr. Appleby lived in a tiny yellow house with a huge overgrown
garden. In back, his old work shed was filled with tools, and
scraps of wood waiting to be turned into something wonderful. A
birdhouse. A windowbox. Toys. Mr. Appleby loved to make toys.
One day, Albert tapped on the window of the shed. Mr. Appleby
opened the door. "How's Albert today?" he said. "All right,"
Albert sighed. "Thank you for the town you made for my cars." Mr.
Appleby smiled. "You are very welcome, my friend," he said. "Just
see that you enjoy it!"
"Oh I do! I drive my cars around and around. I think it would be a wonderful
place to visit." Albert paused. "I wish that I could drive there myself, " he
whispered,"that's what I truly wish."
Albert is a little boy who loves cars. He has lots of toy cars
and races them around his house and around the toy village that
his friend, Mr. Appleby, made for him. After Albert has been ill
with a cold for a few days, Mr. Appleby makes him a red car big
enough to ride in. When Albert jumps in and presses on the gas
pedal, the car lurches into motion and carries him at breakneck
speed around a village that looks suspiciously like his toy one.
Albert is amazed and thrilled as he speeds along, eventually
arriving right back in Mr. Appleby's yard! His mother calls him
home, and the wonderful car stops and will not start again.
Albert is full of wonder and questions as he leaves the car and
returns home with his mother. The reader is left to wonder, too.
Did Albert get his wish and really drive that car, or did he
imagine it?
Jennifer Jordan has written an exciting story that will interest
any child who loves cars and who loves to have some parts of the
story left to the imagination. Very young children, though, may
be confused by the mysterious ride. Shannon McNeill's lively and
attractive illustrations add interest and enjoyment to the story.
Highly recommended.
Luella Sumner is Head Librarian, Red Rock Public Library, Red
Rock, Ontario.
To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364