________________ CM . . . . Volume VI Number 21 . . . . June 23, 2000

cover Costa Rican Monkeys. (Champions of the Wild Series).

Christian Bruyere (Director). Christian Bruyere (Producer). Michael Chechik (Executive Producer).
Montreal, PQ: National Film Board of Canada, 1998.
25 min., 30 sec., VHS, $39.95.
Order Number: C9198 148.

Grades 3 and up / Ages 8 and up.
Review by Luella Sumner.

**** /4

Costa Rica was once covered in ranches, with rain forest destruction proceeding at a rapid clip. Then, the country decided to take conservation seriously, and set aside one-third of its territory as national parks. It was a wise decision. While spider, howler and capuchin monkeys continue to be endangered, in the Santa Rosa wildlife sanctuary, where Dr. Linda Fedigan works, they are flourishing.

The monkeys most closely followed in this video are the Capuchins, so named because they have manes resembling the cowls worn by Capuchin monks. They are lively foragers, eating leaves, fruits, and even small animals. After puberty, males leave their group and join another troop while the females remain with their birth group. Capuchin females are very resourceful and, in fact, have better memories than the males for such things as the location of water holes. However, they need the males for protection.

Spider monkeys are the most endangered of the species in Santa Rosa. They must range widely for the fruits that make up their diet, and so the destruction of habitat affects them strongly. In this species, it is the females who leave after puberty.

Howler monkeys suffer less from habitat destruction because their range is considerably smaller. They are not hunted because their flesh is not palatable. Howlers are slow moving monkeys who eat leaves, flowers and fruit. All the young leave the parent group after puberty and join other groups. Since all the adults in a group are unrelated, they do not form strong bonds with each other.

All of this information and much more is presented in this very interesting and enjoyable film. The photography and narration are excellent.

Highly Recommended.

Luella Sumner is the librarian at the Red Rock Public Library in Red Rock, ON.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@mts.net.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364