CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:87
Canada owes refugees adequate health coverage
Matthew B. Stanbrook
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:91
Placing Aboriginal kidney disease in context
Stephen P. McDonald
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:93-94
Improving the process of deceased organ and tissue donation: a role for donation physicians as specialists
Sam D. Shemie and Shavaun MacDonald, on behalf of the Canadian Blood Services — Canadian Critical Care Society Expert Consultation Group
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:95-96
Calls intensify for national dementia plan
Kierra Jones
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:97
Only five doctors in Canada can assess mental status for US Customs and Border Protection
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:98
Analytics-driven health care growing in Ontario
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:99
Gym exclusively for overweight people comes to Canada
Catherine Cross
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:101
Health course helps Inuit interpreters tackle tough jobs
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:102
Canadians balk at longer brand-name drug patents
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E69
Feds stick with decision not to fund refugee health care
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E70
Privacy commissioner wants new criteria for entering health information in police database
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E71-E72
Obamacare accelerating into prime time
Cal Woodward
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E73-E74
First prosecution under Assisted Human Reproduction Act ends in conviction
Alison Motluk
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E75-E76
Amended decision by gynecology board good for male patients and cancer research
Wendy Glauser
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E77-E78
10 health stories that mattered: Dec. 9–13
Lauren Vogel and
Roger Collier
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E79
EMR alert cuts sepsis deaths
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E80
New Brunswick prescription drug plan hopes to avoid pitfalls of other provinces
Brian Owens
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E81-E82
Made-in-Canada accreditation coming for medical schools
Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E83
Sweden leads EU in developing new antibiotics
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E84
10 health stories that mattered: Dec. 16–20
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E85
Differential mortality and the excess burden of end-stage renal disease among First Nations people with diabetes mellitus: a competing-risks analysis
Ying Jiang, Nathaniel Osgood, Hyun-Ja Lim, Mary Rose Stang, and Roland Dyck
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:103-109
Association between First Nations ethnicity and progression to kidney failure by presence and severity of albuminuria
Susan M. Samuel, Luz Palacios-Derflingher, Marcello Tonelli, Braden Manns, Lynden Crowshoe, Sofia B. Ahmed, Min Jun, Nathalie Saad, and Brenda R. Hemmelgarn, for the Alberta Kidney Disease Network
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E86-E94
Association between frailty and short- and long-term outcomes among critically ill patients: a multicentre prospective cohort study
Sean M. Bagshaw, H. Thomas Stelfox, Robert C. McDermid, Darryl B. Rolfson, Ross T. Tsuyuki, Nadia Baig, Barbara Artiuch, Quazi Ibrahim, Daniel E. Stollery, Ella Rokosh, and Sumit R. Majumdar
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:E95-E102
Canadian Society of Nephrology 2014 clinical practice guideline for timing the initiation of chronic dialysis
Gihad E. Nesrallah, Reem A. Mustafa, William F. Clark, Adam Bass, Lianne Barnieh, Brenda R. Hemmelgarn, Scott Klarenbach, Robert R. Quinn, Swapnil Hiremath, Pietro Ravani, Manish M. Sood, and Louise M. Moist
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:112-117
Medical interventions to reduce motor vehicle collisions
Donald A. Redelmeier and Homer C. Tien
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:118-124
Decisions: Hypertension in a woman planning pregnancy
Michael P. Carson and Kenneth K. Chen
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:129-130
Cases: Tick-borne relapsing fever in pregnancy
Haseena Hussein, Adrienne Showler, and Darrell H.S. Tan
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:131-134
Five Things to Know About...: Intrapartum care of the HIV-positive woman
Kelsey E. Mills and Mark H. Yudin
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:135
Clinical Images: Persistent dry cough: an unusual presentation of renal cell carcinoma
Stephanie Tatzel and Alp Sener
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:136
Peripartum outcomes: non-adjuvanted v. adjuvanted H1N1 vaccination
Joel G. Ray, Allison J. McGeer, Jennifer M. Blake, Gerald Lebovic, Graeme N. Smith, and Mark H. Yudin
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:137
Regulating e-cigarettes as drugs is not the best solution
Melodie L. Tilson
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:137-138
Expanding scope of pharmacists
Sergio T. Fanella and Ashley Walus
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:138
Patient advocacy
John C. Clifford
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:138
Essay: The illness experience
Mark Langer
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:139
Poetry: After the flood
Christine Gibson
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:140
Books: Patient safety and “medical error”
Ward Flemons
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:141
The hidden curriculum
Margaret Cocks
CMAJ February 4, 2014 186:152