
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:159


New CMAJ policy on sharing data from clinical research
John Fletcher
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:163


Conflicts at the heart of the FRAX tool
Teppo L.N. Järvinen, Jarkko Jokihaara, Pierre Guy, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Gary S. Collins, Karl Michaëlsson, and Harri Sievänen
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:165-167

Personalizing prognosis in a patient with serious illness
Jeff Myers and Debbie Selby
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:169-170


Children as young as six sniffing gas in Pikangikum
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:171-172

Canada behind in regulating farmyard antibiotics
Paul Christopher Webster
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:173

RCT wins CMAJ Bruce Squires Award
Barbara Sibbald
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:175

UK Parliament calls for sharing of all clinical trial data
Roger Collier
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:176

Rural premedicine program aims to tackle doctor shortages
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:177

Alarm fatigue a top patient safety hazard
Kierra Jones
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:178

Ten health stories that mattered: Jan. 6–10
Roger Collier
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E103

High H1N1 prevalence and mortality rates a concern
Patrick Janukavicius
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E104

Incidental findings: expect to find the unexpected
Kierra Jones
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E105-E106

Legal storm brewing over Texas forced life-support case
Lauren Vogel
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E107-E108

Nunavut calls inquest into record number of suicides
Laura Eggertson
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E109-E110

Ten health stories that mattered: Jan. 13–17
Roger Collier
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E111


The CANHEART health index: a tool for monitoring the cardiovascular health of the Canadian population
Laura C. Maclagan, Jungwee Park, Claudia Sanmartin, Karan R. Mathur, Doug Roth, Douglas G. Manuel, Andrea Gershon, Gillian L. Booth, Sacha Bhatia, Clare L. Atzema, and Jack V. Tu
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:180-187

Noninvasive ventilation as a weaning strategy for mechanical ventilation in adults with respiratory failure: a Cochrane systematic review
Karen E.A. Burns, Maureen O. Meade, Azra Premji, and Neill K.J. Adhikari
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E112-E122

Guidelines 2.0: systematic development of a comprehensive checklist for a successful guideline enterprise
Holger J. Schünemann, Wojtek Wiercioch, Itziar Etxeandia, Maicon Falavigna, Nancy Santesso, Reem Mustafa, Matthew Ventresca, Romina Brignardello-Petersen, Kaja-Triin Laisaar, Sérgio Kowalski, Tejan Baldeh, Yuan Zhang, Ulla Raid, Ignacio Neumann, Susan L. Norris, Judith Thornton, Robin Harbour, Shaun Treweek, Gordon Guyatt, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Marge Reinap, Jan Brožek, Andrew Oxman, and Elie A. Akl
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:E123-E142


Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence
G. Michael Allan and Bruce Arroll
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:190-199


Decisions: Evaluation and care of a patient with new-onset atrial fibrillation
Yasbanoo Moayedi, Husam M. Abdel-Qadir, and Paul Dorian
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:204-205

What is Your Call?: Arthritis, progressive maculopapular rash and severe peripheral neuropathy in a 60-year-old man
François Tremblay and Martin Albert
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:206-209

Five Things to Know About...: Synthetic cannabinoids
Tony Antoniou and David N. Juurlink
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:210

Clinical Images: Painless needle prick on an erythematous plaque: a sign of leprosy
Francisco Vázquez-López and Leire Gonzalez-Lara
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:211


Palliative sedation
Romayne Gallagher and Caroline Baldwin
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:212

Palliative sedation
Darren Cargill
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:212

Clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors
David Juurlink
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:212-213

Clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors
Deepak L. Bhatt
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:213

The quality of mercy
John S. Mackay
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:213

Independent research needed to inform end-of-life policy choices
Antoine Boivin, Isabelle Marcoux, Geneviève Garnon, Evert van Leeuwen, Nicholas Mays, Raynald Pineault, Marie-Claude Prémont, and Pascale Lehoux
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:213


Encounter: “And you, my father, there on the sad height”
Kenneth Lam
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:214

Books: Medical museums
J.T.H. Connor
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:215

Poetry: Invisibility and death
Holly Delaney
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:216


The house of the rising sun medical school
Ken Flegel
CMAJ February 18, 2014 186:232