Current Issue:
Volume 11, 2016
- From the Pigeon Lab to the Courtroom
- When Humans and Other Animals Behave Irrationally
- Comparative Cognition Outside the Laboratory
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Domestic Dog: Research, Methodology, and Conceptual Issue
- What Can Nest-Building Birds Teach Us?
- The Organization of Behavior Over Time: Insights from Mid-Session Reversal
Past Issues:
Volume 10, 2015
- Developmental Stress and Correlated Cognitive Traits in Songbirds
- Environmental Influences on Spatial Memory and the Hippocampus in Food-Caching Chickadees
- Mechanisms of Individual Differences in Impulsive and Risky Choice in Rats
- Experimental Divergences in the Visual Cognition of Birds and Mammals
- In Memory of Ronald G. Weisman (September 14, 1937 – January 27, 2015)
- A Social History of the Founding of the Conference on Comparative Cognition and the Comparative Cognition Society
Volume 9, 2014
- Forgetting from Short-Term Memory in Delayed Matching to Sample: A Reinforcement Context Model
- Imitating Sounds: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding Vocal Imitation
- Recent Advances in the Genetics of Vocal Learning
- Where Apes and Songbirds Are Left Behind: A Comparative Assessment of the Requisites for Speech
Volume 8, 2013
- Social Cognition in Ravens
- What Hummingbirds Can Tell Us About Cognition in the Wild
- Neurobiological Foundations of an Attribute Model of Memory
- Animals Prefer Reinforcement that Follows Greater Effort: Justification of Effort or Within-Trial Contrast?
- Two Fields Are Better Than One: Developmental and Comparative Perspectives On Understanding Spatial Reorientation
Volume 7, 2012
- How to Navigate Without Maps: The Power of Taxon-like Navigation in Ants
- Neurophysiological Studies of Learning and Memory in Pigeons
- Optimal and Non-optimal Behavior Across Species
- The Predictably Unpredictable Operant
- Information Seeking in Animals: Metacognition?
- Cerebral and Behavioural Asymmetries in Animal Social Recognition
Volume 6, 2011
- Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews: the first six years
- Welcome Editorial
- Social Influences on Rat Spatial Choice
- Associative Learning in Insects: Evolutionary Models, Mushroom Bodies, and a Neuroscientific Conundrum
- A History of Dogs as Subjects in North American Experimental Psychological Research
Volume 5, 2010
- FOCUS ARTICLE – Determining When Birds Perceive Correspondence Between Pictures and Objects: A Critique
- Commentaries
- Replies
- Articles
Volume 4, 2009
- Special Section: Metacognition
- Commentaries
- Articles
Volume 3, 2008
- Special Section: Monograph
- Articles
- Social Influences on the Mate Choices of Male and Female Japanese Quail
- Concept Learning in Animals
- Echoic Object Recognition by the Bottlenose Dolphin
- Pattern Structure and Rule Induction in Sequential Learning
- The social interaction role of song in song sparrows: implications for signal design
- An Evolutionary Framework for the Acquisition of Symbolic Cognition by Homo sapiens
- Use of multiple dimensions in learned discriminations
Volume 2, 2007
- Tool-Related Cognition in New Caledonian Crows
- Comparative Social Cognition: From wolf and dog to humans
- Comparative Cognition, Hippocampal Function, and Recollection
- Individual Differences and Animal Personality
- Issues in the Comparative Cognition of Abstract-Concept Learning
- Auditory Category Perception as a Natural Cognitive Activity in Songbirds
- Spatial Navigation: Spatial Learning in Real and Virtual Environments
- What are Animals? Why Anthropomorphism is Still Not a Scientific Approach to Behavior
- Special Section: Commentaries on Wynne’s “What are Animals? Why Anthropomorphism is Still Not a Scientific Approach to Behavior”
- Special Section: In Memoriam
Volume 1, 2006
- The Prospective Cognition of Food Caching and Recovery by Western Scrub-Jays (Alphelocoma californica)
- Comparative Cognition of Object Recognition
- An Ontology for Comparative Cognition: A Functional Approach
- Time, Place and Content
- Challenges Facing Contemporary Associative Approaches to Acquired Behavior