Research in the Workplace Award


The Research in the Workplace Award (RIWA)* is a biennial grant that seeks to fund small LIS-led workplace research projects.

The award of £3000 GBP/$5900 USD/$6800 CAD aims to encourage and support those new to research. Projects can relate to any aspect of service provision, development or theory. Advice is available throughout the lifetime of your project, which should be achievable within 12 months. The award fund must constitute at least 55% of the overall project funding.

If you have an idea for a small work-based research project, why not consider applying for RIWA 2006/7?

A copy of the 2 page application form is available from:

Submission deadline: 22nd December 2006.

For further details contact Maria on +44 (0) 161 295 6423 or email:

* RIWA 2006/7 is sponsored by the National Library for Health CPD Forum, IFM Healthcare, the Health Libraries Group, the University Medical School Librarians Group, the University Health Sciences Libraries and Libraries for Nursing.

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