Vol 1, No 4 (2006)

Table of Contents


Terminology Versus Action PDF
Lindsay Glynn 1-2


Reporting of the Role of the Expert Searcher in Cochrane Reviews Abstract PDF
Li Zhang, Margaret Sampson, Jessie McGowan 3-16
Using Cost Effectiveness Analysis; a Beginners Guide Abstract PDF
Claire Hulme 17-29
Information Seeking Behaviours of Business Students and the Development of Academic Digital Libraries Abstract PDF
Joyline Makani, Kelli WooShue 30-45

Evidence Summaries

Academic Librarians Should Be Sensitive to Language and Cultural Barriers When Providing Reference Service to International Students Abstract PDF
Lorie Andrea Kloda 46-48
School Libraries Play an Active, Transformational Role in Student Learning and Achievement Abstract PDF
Gayle Bogel 49-53
Identifying Relevant Controlled Clinical Trials for Systematic Reviews Requires Searching Multiple Resources – and, Even Then, Comprehensiveness is Questionable Abstract PDF
Gale Gabrielle Hannigan 54-56
Analysis of Print and Electronic Serials’ Use Statistics Facilitates Print Cancellation Decisions Abstract PDF
Pamela Haley 57-59
Library Users Expect Link Resolvers to Provide Full Text While Librarians Expect Accurate Results Abstract PDF
Wendy Furlan 60-63
Students and Graduates Learn Library Educational Content from Interactive Multimedia Tutorials Abstract PDF
David Herron, Lotta Haglund 64-66
Elementary, Middle, and High School Students Vary in Frequency and Purpose When Using Online Digital References Abstract PDF
Julie Elaine Stephens 67-69
A Combination of Citation Analyses Can Reveal the Nature of a Journal’s Scholarly Communication, Its Influence in a Scientific Community, and the Geographic Location of Its Authors and Citers Abstract PDF
Gaby Haddow 70-73
The Quality of Canadian and U.S. Government Health Documents Remains Unchallenged Until Better Research Can Be Undertaken Abstract PDF
Michael Corkett 74-76


EBL and Library Assessment: Two Solitudes? Abstract PDF
Pam Ryan 77-80


EBLIP4 Deadline Extension Abstract PDF
Call for Papers: World Library and Information Congress Abstract PDF
Research in the Workplace Award Abstract PDF
2nd Evidence in Practice Award Open for Entries Abstract PDF

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