Call for Papers: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice


Evidence Based Library and Information Practice seeks papers on all areas of EBL/EBP including, but not limited to:
• EBL application
• Qualitative and quantitative research
• Management and Administration issues related to EBP
• Research Tools (statistics, data collection methods, etc.)
• Collaborative and InterProfessional EBP
• Research education in library schools
• Evidence-Based Practices from other disciplines applicable to EBL
• Harnessing evidence to support new innovations
• Developing and applying evidence based tools
• Future prospects for the evidenced based information profession
• Maximizing the value and impact of our information services

Submission deadlines for 2007:
March 1st (for June 15th issue)
June 1st (for September 15th issue)
September 1st (for December 15th issue)

Further information regarding author guidelines and the submission process can be found on the Submissions section of the EBLIP website.

Full Text: PDF

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