Vol 2, No 1 (2007)

Table of Contents


Interested in Research? Start Here. PDF
Lindsay Glynn 1-2


Identifying Appropriate Quantitative Study Designs for Library Research Abstract PDF
Diane Louise Lorenzetti 3-14
Evidence-Based Practice and Qualitative Research: A Primer for Library and Information Professionals Abstract PDF
Lisa M. Given 15-22
Navigating the Road to Success: Guidelines for Preparing Competitive Grant Proposals Abstract PDF
Lynn L. Langille, Theresa Mackenzie 23-31
A Statistical Primer: Understanding Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Abstract PDF
Gillian Byrne 32-47
Getting to the Source: a Survey of Quantitative Data Sources Available to the Everyday Librarian: Part I: Web Server Log Analysis Abstract PDF
Lisa Goddard 48-67
Getting to the Source: a Survey of Quantitative Data Sources Available to the Everyday Librarian: Part II: Data Sources from Specific Library Applications Abstract PDF
Lisa Goddard 68-88


“Prediction is Difficult, Especially the Future”: A Progress Report Abstract PDF
Andrew Booth, Anne Brice 89-106
Have the Most Relevant and Answerable Research Questions Facing Librarians Changed Between 2001 and 2006? Abstract PDF
Suzanne Lewis, Lisa Cotter 107-120

Evidence Summaries

Canadian Library Human Resources Short-Term Supply and Demand Crisis Is Averted, But a Significant Long-Term Crisis Must Be Addressed Abstract PDF
Julie McKenna 121-127
A National Survey of the Perceived Monetary Value of Public Library Service for Norwegians: Contingent Valuation Approach Reveals a 1:4 Cost-Benefit Ratio Abstract PDF
Steph Hall 128-130
Critical Care Nurses on Duty: Information-Rich but Time-Poor Abstract PDF
Suzanne Lewis 131-133
A Content Analysis of Google Scholar: Coverage Varies by Discipline and by Database Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 134-136
Web-Based Portal for Impact Evaluation Reveals Information Needs for Museums, Libraries and Archives Abstract PDF
David Hook 137-139
Electronic Journals Appear to Reduce Interlibrary Lending in Academic Libraries Abstract PDF
John Loy 140-143
Interactive, Web-based Information Skills Tutorial Well Received by Graduate Students in Health and Social Care Research Abstract PDF
Marcy L. Brown 144-146
There is a Significant Relationship Between Computer Attitudes and Library Anxiety Among African American Graduate Students Abstract PDF
Gill Needham 147-148


Narrative-based Practice PDF
Peter Brophy 149-158


EBLIP Seeks Nominations for a Feature on Classic Research Studies Abstract PDF
Call for Papers: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF
Winner of the 2006/2007 RIWA Award Abstract PDF
Evidence in Practice Award for UK Librarians Abstract PDF
Registration for 4th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference Abstract PDF
Information Resources Group (IRG) Workshop: Pushing the Frontiers of HTA Information Management Abstract PDF
Call for Papers: 16th BOBCATSSS Symposium Abstract PDF

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