Vol 2, No 2 (2007)

Table of Contents


Defending Evidence Based Practice PDF
Lindsay Glynn 1-2


Abstracts of Papers and Poster Sessions of the 4th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference: Transforming the Profession PDF


Measuring the Effectiveness of Queen Elizabeth II Library Document Delivery Operations Before and After the Implementation of Relais International’s Enterprise Document Delivery Software Abstract PDF
Patrick Warner 55-66
Out of the Question!...How We Are Using Our Students' Virtual Reference Questions to Add a Personal Touch to a Virtual World Abstract PDF
Lorna Evelyn Rourke, Pascal Lupien 67-80

Evidence Summaries

Does a Social Network Based Model of Journal Metrics Improve Ranking? Abstract PDF
Carol Perryman 81-83
Level 1 COUNTER Compliant Vendor Statistics are a Reliable Measure of Journal Usage Abstract PDF
Gaby Haddow 84-86
New Search Strategies Successfully Optimize Retrieval of Clinically Sound Treatment Studies in EMBASE Abstract PDF
John Loy 87-89
Students in Nova Scotia Schools Without Teacher-Librarians are not Achieving Department of Education Expectations for Information Literacy Skills Abstract PDF
Gayle Bogel 90-93
Information Literacy Skills: Teacher and Student Viewpoints Abstract PDF
Julie Stephens 94-96
Virtual Racism Rears its Head: Uncovering Librarian Bias in E-mail Reference Services Abstract PDF
Wendy Furlan 97-100
Digital Resource Use and Non-Use in the Humanities and Social Sciences Academic Settings is Multifaceted Abstract PDF
Lotta Haglund, David Herron 101-103
Users’ Awareness of Electronic Books is Limited Abstract PDF
Gale G. Hannigan 104-106
Leadership is Central to the Organizational Success of Libraries Abstract PDF
Pamela Haley 107-109
Comparing the Use of Books with Enhanced Records versus Those Without Enhancements: Methodology Leads to Questionable Conclusions Abstract PDF
Susan Haigh 110-112
Struggling to Improve Our Understanding of Nursing Student Information Needs Abstract PDF
Michael Corkett 113-115


Be it Resolved that Evidence Based Librarianship is a Bunch of Hooey PDF
Chris Dennis, Danial Duda, Jessie Mcgowan, Louise White 116-119
Reflections of a Practitioner in an Evidence Based World: 4th International Evidence Based Library & Information Practice Conference PDF
Michelle Lee Helliwell 120-122
Transforming the Profession: Reflections on Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 4th International Conference PDF
Alison Brettle 123-126


ASIST SIG III’s International Paper Contest Raffle Abstract PDF
J. K. Vijayakumar 127-128
EBLIG Report: Interest Group Meets in Atlantic Canada and New Co-convenors are Chosen Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson, Lyn Currie 129-130

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