Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

EBLIP is an open access, peer reviewed journal that is published quarterly, hosted by the University of Alberta Learning Services, and supported by an international team of editorial advisors. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for librarians and other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to decision making in professional practice. EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics.

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Vol 7, No 4 (2012)

Table of Contents


Evidence and Ethics Abstract PDF HTML
Alison Brettle 1-3
Editorial Responsibilities Abstract PDF HTML
. . 4


Academic Librarians’ Conception and Use of Evidence Sources in Practice Abstract PDF HTML
Denise Koufogiannakis 5-24
Collection Usage Pre- and Post-Summon Implementation at the University of Manitoba Libraries Abstract PDF HTML
Lisa O'Hara 25-34
Teaching Literacy: Methods for Studying and Improving Library Instruction Abstract PDF HTML
Meggan Houlihan, Amanda Click 35-51
Independent Searching During One-Shot Information Literacy Instruction Sessions: Is It an Effective Use of Time? Abstract PDF HTML
Rebekah Willson 52-67
Implementing the Critical Friend Method for Peer Feedback among Teaching Librarians in an Academic Setting Abstract PDF HTML
Yvonne Hultman Özek, Gudrun Edgren, Katarina Jandér 68-81
Key Performance Indicators in Irish Hospital Libraries: Developing Outcome-Based Metrics to Support Advocacy and Service Delivery Abstract PDF HTML
Michelle Dalton 82-95

Evidence Summaries

Graduate Students Report Strong Acceptance and Loyal Usage of Google Scholar Abstract PDF HTML
Lisa Shen 96-98
Novice Academic Librarians Provide Insight into Choosing Their Careers, Graduate School Education, and First Years on the Job Abstract PDF HTML
Carol D Howe 99-101
Traditional Factors of Fit, Perceived Quality, and Speed of Publication Still Outweigh Open Access in Authors’ Journal Selection Criteria Abstract PDF HTML
Michelle Dalton 102-104
Public Library Training Program for Older Adults Addresses Their Computer and Health Literacy Needs Abstract PDF HTML
Cari Merkley 105-107
Several Factors of Library Publishing Services Facilitate Scholarly Communication Functions Abstract PDF HTML
Leslie Bussert 108-110
Evidence from Students’ Information Seeking Diaries Underscores the Importance of Including Librarians in Undergraduate Education Abstract PDF HTML
Maria Melssen 111-113
Interlibrary Loan Rates for Academic Libraries in the United States of America Have Increased Despite the Availability of Electronic Databases, but Fulfilment Rates Have Decreased Abstract PDF HTML
Kathryn Oxborrow 114-116
Courses Studied by New York Librarianship Students Affect Their Perceived Readiness for Employment Abstract PDF HTML
Kirsty Sheila Thomson 117-118
Doctoral Students in New Zealand Have Low Awareness of Institutional Repository Existence, but Positive Attitudes Toward Open Access Publication of Their Work Abstract PDF HTML
Theresa S. Arndt 119-121

Review Articles

Embedded Academic Librarianship: A Review of the Literature Abstract PDF HTML
Stephanie J. Schulte 122-138


The Evolution of Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, Part I: Defining EBLIP Abstract PDF HTML
Jonathan D. Eldredge 139-145


EPLIP 7 Call for Abstracts and Conference Update Abstract PDF HTML
. . 146-147
Call for Submissions: Information: Interactions and Impact (i³) Abstract PDF HTML
. . 148-149
Beta Phi Mu/LRRT Research Paper Award for 2013 Abstract PDF HTML
. . 150-151
LIRG Research Scan Award – Call for Proposals Abstract PDF HTML
. . 152-153

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