Vol 3, No 1 (2008)

Table of Contents


Facing My Fears PDF
Lindsay Glynn 1-2


Developing a Comprehensive Search Strategy for Evidence Based Systematic Reviews Abstract PDF
Julia B. DeLuca, Mary M. Mullins, Cynthia M. Lyles, Nicole Crepaz, Linda Kay, Sekhar Thadiparthi 3-32
Improving Customer Satisfaction: Changes as a Result of Customer Value Discovery Abstract PDF
Susan McKnight, Mike Berrington 33-52

Evidence Summaries

Further Study is Needed to Define and Measure the Use of Reflective Practice in Library and Information Science Abstract PDF
Carol Perryman 53-56
Computer-Assisted Library Instruction and Face-to-Face Library Instruction Prove Equally Effective for Teaching Basic Library Skills in Academic Libraries Abstract PDF
Stephanie Walker 57-60
Post-Secondary Students Prefer IM to Email for Personal and Social Communication Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 61-64
Varied Search Protocols Lead to Clinically Relevant Results Abstract PDF
Marcy L. Brown 65-67
Local Purchasing of Journals is Required in Addition to a Nationally Purchased Collection to Meet the Information Needs of NHS Staff Abstract PDF
Jennifer Kelson 68-71
Collaborative Chat Reference Service Effectiveness Varies by Question Type for Public Library Patrons Abstract PDF
Stephanie Hall 72-74
Too Few Articles in the Journal Literature on Instruction in Academic Libraries are Research-Based Abstract PDF
Kurt Blythe 75-77
Clinician-selected Electronic Information Resources do not Guarantee Accuracy in Answering Primary Care Physicians' Information Needs Abstract PDF
Martha Ingrid Preddie 78-81


Reality Through Evidence PDF
Lorraine Ann Busby 82-83


EBLIG Sponsors CLA 2008 Pre-Conference Workshop Abstract PDF
Call for Papers: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF
Call for Editorial Advisors: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF
CHLA/ABSC 2008 Conference Announcement Abstract PDF
11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries Abstract PDF
UNESCO "Training the Trainers in Information Literacy Workshop": Announcement and Call for Participants Abstract PDF
Call for Classic Research Studies: Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF PDF
Online Tutorials for Librarians Interested in Systematic Reviews Abstract PDF

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