Vol 3, No 3 (2008)

Table of Contents


Evidence Based Practice Outside the Box PDF
Lindsay Glynn 1-2


Three Evidence Based Methods to Compensate for a Lack of Subject Background when Ordering Chemistry Monographs Abstract PDF PDF - Appendix
Robert A. Wright 3-17
Healthcare Services Managers: What Information do They Need and Use? Abstract PDF
Jackie MacDonald, Peter Bath, Andrew Booth 18-38
Electronic Information Access and Utilization by Makerere University Students in Uganda Abstract PDF
Constant Okello-Obura, Elisam Magara 39-56

Evidence Summaries

The Information Practices of Physical Science Librarians Differ from Those of the Scientific Community: More Research is Needed to Characterize Specific Information Seeking and Use Abstract PDF
Carol Perryman 57-60
Undergraduates Prefer Federated Searching to Searching Databases Individually Abstract PDF
Genevieve Gore 61-63
The Utilization of Wireless Handheld Computers with MEDLINE is an Effective Mechanism for Answering Clinical Questions at the Point of Care Abstract PDF
Martha Ingrid Preddie 64-67
Half of Vermont Academic and Public Libraries Lack Written Confidentiality Policies Despite Directors’ Support for Principles of Patron Confidentiality Abstract PDF
Stephanie Walker 68-72
Academic Librarians Have Concerns about Their Role as Teachers Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 73-75
Morning Report Presentation with Literature Search Associated with Decreased Length of Hospital Stay Abstract PDF
Jennifer Kelson 76-79
A Faceted Catalogue Aids Doctoral-Level Searchers Abstract PDF
Kurt Blythe 80-82
Personalized Information Service for Clinicians: Users Like It Abstract PDF
Gale G. Hannigan 83-85


Friendly Skepticism about Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF
Marcus A. Banks 86-90

EBL 101

Evidence Based Librarianship Backgrounder PDF
Su Cleyle, Julie McKenna 91-93


Constance Mellon Demonstrated That College Freshmen Are Afraid of Academic Libraries Abstract PDF
Edgar Bailey 94-97


EBLIP Original Research Award Abstract PDF
EBLIP5 Call for Papers Abstract PDF

Letters to the Editor

Commentary on a Library Non-Use Study PDF