Vol 3, No 4 (2008)

Table of Contents


Moving On Abstract PDF
Lindsay Glynn 1-2
Editorial Responsibilities PDF


The Information Seeking Behavior of Undergraduate Education Majors: Does Library Instruction Play a Role? Abstract PDF
Jason Martin 4-17
Measuring the Extent of the Synonym Problem in Full-Text Searching Abstract PDF
Jeffrey Beall, Karen Kafadar 18-33
New Intersections for Student Engagement in Libraries: A Qualitative Exploration of Collaborative Learning with Multimedia Technologies Abstract PDF
Katharine A. Webb, Tingting Lu, Elizabeth L. Black 34-48

Evidence Summaries

Information Literacy Strategy Development: Study Prescribes Strategic Management Framework for Academic Institutions Abstract PDF
Shandra Protzko 49-51
High School Students Struggle to Find School-related Information on the Web Abstract PDF
Cari Merkley 52-56
Birds of a Feather Flock Together: The Congruence of Personality Types within Librarians’ Subject Specialties Abstract PDF
John Loy 57-60
Larger, Higher-level Academic Institutions in the US Do Not Necessarily Have Better-resourced Library Web Teams. Abstract PDF
Suzanne Lewis 61-64
Researchers’ Attitudes and Behaviour to Data Archiving Policies and Practice is Typified by Low Awareness and Little Planning Abstract PDF
Gaby Haddow 65-68
Positive Perceptions of Access to Online Library Resources Correlates with Quality and Quantity of Scholarly Publications among Finnish Academics Abstract PDF
Scott Marsalis 69-71
Teachers in the UK Prefer Research Evidence that is Synthesized, Practical, and Locally Available Abstract PDF
Stephanie Schulte 72-75


On Skepticism About EBLIP: Friendly or Otherwise! Abstract PDF
Andrew Booth 76-78

EBL 101

Asking the Right Question PDF
Lorie Andrea Kloda 79-81


Predicting Future Information Resource Utilization Under Conditions of Scarcity: The First Cohort Study in Health Sciences Librarianship Abstract PDF
Jonathan D. Eldredge 82-88


How Spicy Can It Get? Abstract PDF
, 89-90
Canadian Network for Innovation in Education International Conference Abstract PDF
i³ Conference - Preliminary Announcement Abstract PDF
Call for Papers: the Second International m-libraries Conference Abstract PDF
CILIP Training and Development Courses for January Abstract PDF
CHLA/ABSC Call for Contributed Papers and Posters Abstract PDF