Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

EBLIP is an open access, peer reviewed journal published quarterly by the University of Alberta Learning Services and supported by an international team of editorial advisors. The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for librarians and other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to decision making in professional practice. EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics.

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Vol 4, No 3 (2009)

Table of Contents


Stockholm Shines PDF
Denise Koufogiannakis 1-2
Editorial Responsibilities PDF


Access All Areas: Exploring the Use of Library and IT Facilities by University of Salford Pre-registration Diploma Nurses During Periods of Clinical Practice Placement Abstract PDF
Mike Raynor 4-18
An Emerging Theory for Evidence Based Information Literacy Instruction in School Libraries, Part 2: Building a Culture of Enquiry Abstract PDF
Carol A. Gordon 19-45

Evidence Summaries

Boys are Reading, but their Choices are not Valued by Teachers and Librarians Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 46-48
University Student and Faculty Opinions on Academic Integrity Are Informed by Social Practices or Personal Values Abstract PDF
Matthew Thomas 49-51
Scholars in International Relations Cite Books More Frequently than Journals: More Research is Needed to Better Understand Research Behaviour and Use Abstract PDF
Megan von Isenburg 52-55
Reference Services in Australian Academic Libraries are Becoming More Multifaceted Abstract PDF
Lotta Haglund, David Herron 56-59
Typology of Librarian Status Created for U.S. Land Grant Universities is Applicable to U.S. Research Libraries Abstract PDF
Kate Kelly 60-62


The Call for Evidence Based Practice: Speaking Louder than Words Abstract PDF
Ray Lyons 63-67
Is Now the Time for an International Association of EBLIP? Abstract PDF
Andrew Booth 68-71
Being a Critical Professional: The Importance of Post-Publication Peer Review in Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF
Lorie A. Kloda 72-74

EBL 101

Looking to the Literature: Open Access and Free Sources of LIS Evidence PDF
Virginia Wilson 75-77


The 5th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference (EBLIP5): Conference Report and Reflections PDF
Lotta Haglund, Diana Wakimoto, Laval Hunsucker, V. Vishwa Mohan, Alison Shea, Tatiana Usova, Josepha W.M. Plevier, Jonathan Eldredge, Ann De Meulemeester, Virginia Wilson 78-88
Evidence-Based Scholarly Communication Conference PDF
Jon Eldredge, Philip Kroth, Holly Philips, Sally Bowler-Hill 89
The Library and Information Research Group Announces a New Research Prize PDF