Vol 4, No 3 (2009)

Table of Contents


Stockholm Shines PDF
Denise Koufogiannakis 1-2
Editorial Responsibilities PDF


Access All Areas: Exploring the Use of Library and IT Facilities by University of Salford Pre-registration Diploma Nurses During Periods of Clinical Practice Placement Abstract PDF
Mike Raynor 4-18
An Emerging Theory for Evidence Based Information Literacy Instruction in School Libraries, Part 2: Building a Culture of Enquiry Abstract PDF
Carol A. Gordon 19-45

Evidence Summaries

Boys are Reading, but their Choices are not Valued by Teachers and Librarians Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 46-48
University Student and Faculty Opinions on Academic Integrity Are Informed by Social Practices or Personal Values Abstract PDF
Matthew Thomas 49-51
Scholars in International Relations Cite Books More Frequently than Journals: More Research is Needed to Better Understand Research Behaviour and Use Abstract PDF
Megan von Isenburg 52-55
Reference Services in Australian Academic Libraries are Becoming More Multifaceted Abstract PDF
Lotta Haglund, David Herron 56-59
Typology of Librarian Status Created for U.S. Land Grant Universities is Applicable to U.S. Research Libraries Abstract PDF
Kate Kelly 60-62


The Call for Evidence Based Practice: Speaking Louder than Words Abstract PDF
Ray Lyons 63-67
Is Now the Time for an International Association of EBLIP? Abstract PDF
Andrew Booth 68-71
Being a Critical Professional: The Importance of Post-Publication Peer Review in Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Abstract PDF
Lorie A. Kloda 72-74

EBL 101

Looking to the Literature: Open Access and Free Sources of LIS Evidence PDF
Virginia Wilson 75-77


The 5th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference (EBLIP5): Conference Report and Reflections PDF
Lotta Haglund, Diana Wakimoto, Laval Hunsucker, V. Vishwa Mohan, Alison Shea, Tatiana Usova, Josepha W.M. Plevier, Jonathan Eldredge, Ann De Meulemeester, Virginia Wilson 78-88
Evidence-Based Scholarly Communication Conference PDF
Jon Eldredge, Philip Kroth, Holly Philips, Sally Bowler-Hill 89
The Library and Information Research Group Announces a New Research Prize PDF