Vol 5, No 3 (2010)

Table of Contents


The Appropriateness of Hierarchies Abstract PDF
Denise Koufogiannakis 1-3
Editorial Responsibilities Abstract PDF


The Impact of the Acquisition of Electronic Medical Texts on the Usage of Equivalent Print Books in an Academic Medical Library Abstract PDF
Pamela S. Morgan 5-19
Learning in Simulations: Examining the Effectiveness of Information Literacy Instruction Using Middle School Students’ Portfolio Products Abstract PDF
Terrance S. Newell 20-38

Evidence Summaries

Google Scholar Out-Performs Many Subscription Databases when Keyword Searching Abstract PDF
Giovanna Badia 39-41
Consumer Health Information Websites with High Visual Design Ratings Likely to Be also Highly Rated for Perceived Credibility Abstract PDF
Kate Kelly 42-45
College Students in an Experimental Study Took Longer to Achieve Comprehension when Instant Messaging while Reading Abstract PDF
Megan von Isenburg 46-48
Labour Costs for Inventory Control Less Expensive than Repurchasing Abstract PDF
Laura Newton Miller 49-52
Lack of Congruence between Analyses and Conclusions Limits Usefulness of Study of Socio-cultural Influences on Student Choice of LIS Abstract PDF
Diana K. Wakimoto 53-55
Research into the Impact of Facebook as a Library Marketing Tool is Inconclusive Abstract PDF
Lotta Haglund, David Herron 56-58
Public Libraries Can Play an Important Role in the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 59-61


Musings on Collection Analysis and Its Utility in Modern Collection Development Abstract PDF
Jane Schmidt 62-67
A Voyage of Discovery: Identifying Barriers to EBLIP in the Caribbean Abstract PDF
Andrew Booth, Jonathan D Eldredge 68-72

EBL 101

Evaluating the Results of Evidence Application, Part One Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 73-74


Call for Abstracts – 6th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference Abstract PDF

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