Vol 5, No 4 (2010)

Table of Contents


Can Scholarly Communication be Evidence Based? Abstract PDF
Denise Koufogiannakis 1-3
Editorial Responsibilities Abstract PDF
Acknowledgement of Editorial Advisors PDF


An Examination of the Failure Rate and Content Equivalency of Electronic Surrogates and the Implications for Print Equivalent Preservation Abstract PDF
Ken Ladd 7-20
Using ACRL Standards to Assess the Information Literacy of Graduate Students in an Education Program Abstract PDF
Amy Jo Catalano 21-38
Letting Students Take the Lead: A User-Centred Approach to Evaluating Subject Guides Abstract PDF
Kimberley Hintz, Paula Farrar, Shirin Eshghi, Barbara Sobol, Jo-Anne Naslund, Teresa Lee, Tara Stephens, Aleha McCauley 39-52
Pleasure Reading Among First-Year University Students Abstract PDF
Melanie Parlette, Vivian Howard 53-69
Google Wave: Have CTSI-Minded Institutions Caught It? Abstract PDF
Amy Donahue 70-82

Evidence Summaries

Free Access Does Not Necessarily Encourage Practitioners to Use Online Evidence Based Information Tools Abstract PDF
Heather Ganshorn 83-86
Academics are Reading More Electronic Journal Articles in More Subjects, Using Varying Strategies to Find and Manage Them Abstract PDF
Christina E. Carter 87-89
Music Information Seeking Behaviour Poses Unique Challenges for the Design of Information Retrieval Systems Abstract PDF
Cari Merkley 90-93
Identifying the Most Popular Entry Routes into a Public Library Using GIS Can Be a Tool to Increase Ease of Navigation and Identify Placement of Marketing Materials Abstract PDF
Genevieve C. Gore 94-95
Learning Through Reflective Writing: A Teaching Strategy Abstract PDF
Kristen L. Young 96-98
Potential Fit to the Department Outweighs Professional Criteria in the Hiring Process in Academic Libraries Abstract PDF
Yvonne Hultman Ozek 99-101
The Information Rx program Requires More Promotion, More Support and Some Adjustment Abstract PDF
Matthew Thomas 102-104
Adherence to RUSA’s Guidelines for Virtual Reference Services is Below Expected in Academic Libraries Abstract PDF
Annie M. Hughes 105-107


Evidence-Based Scholarly Communication: Information Professionals Unlocking Translational Research Abstract PDF
Philip J Kroth, Holly E Phillips, Jonathan D Eldredge 108-114
Evidence Based Cataloguing: Moving Beyond the Rules Abstract PDF
Kathy Carter 115-120

Using Evidence in Practice

Evaluating Open Access Day 2009 at Ohio State University Abstract PDF
Anne Gilliland 121-124


Accurate Answers to Reference Queries May Be Provided Less Frequently Than Expected Abstract PDF
Eamon C. Tewell 125-129

EBL 101

Evaluating the Results of Evidence Application, Part Two: At the Practice Level Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 130-131


EBLIP6 News Abstract PDF
Call for Presentation Proposals: 2011 Library Research Round Table Forums at ALA Annual Conference Abstract PDF
Call for Submissions: Information: Interactions and Impact (i³) Abstract PDF
Call for Papers: ALA/AASL Educators of Library Media Specialists Section (ELMSS) of the American Association of School Librarians Abstract PDF
Call for Proposals – 3rd Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference Abstract PDF

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