Vol 6, No 1 (2011)

Table of Contents


Evidence Based Practice: Science? Or Art? Abstract PDF
Denise Koufogiannakis 1-2
Editorial Responsibilities Abstract PDF


Evidence or Evidence Based Practice? An Analysis of IASL Research Forum Papers, 1998-2009 Abstract PDF
Marcia A. Mardis 4-23
Image-Seeking Preferences Among Undergraduate Novice Researchers Abstract PDF
Laurie Bridges, Tiah Edmunson-Morton 24-40
The Usefulness of Related Functions in Web of Science and Scopus Abstract PDF
Dorothy C.P. Char, Isola Ajiferuke 41-52

Evidence Summaries

Decline in Reference Transactions with Few Questions Referred to Librarian when the Reference Desk is Staffed by a Paraprofessional Abstract PDF
Diana K. Wakimoto 53-55
Face-to-face Training is the Preferred Modality of Professional Continuing Education for Librarians of All Ages, but More Evidence is Needed Abstract PDF
Kathryn Oxborrow 56-58
Free E-Books May Increase Print Sales: A Study With Mixed Results Abstract PDF
Heather R Williams 59-60
The Presence of Web 2.0 Applications Is Associated with the Overall Service Quality of Library Websites Abstract PDF
Leslie Bussert 61-63
Flexible Scheduling May Have a Positive Impact on School Library Circulation Abstract PDF
Ann Medaille 64-67
Scholars in the Humanities Are Reluctant to Cite E-Texts as Primary Materials Abstract PDF
Deena Yanofsky 68-70
Statistical Measures Alone Cannot Determine Which Database (BNI, CINAHL, MEDLINE, or EMBASE) Is the Most Useful for Searching Undergraduate Nursing Topics Abstract PDF
Giovanna Badia 71-73
Choosing the Right Book: Factors that Affect Children’s Reading Abstract PDF
Gayle Bogel 74-77
Wikipedia and the National Cancer Institute Website Appear to Offer Similar Osteosarcoma Information for Patients Abstract PDF
Kate Kelly 78-80
Physicists and Astronomers Use Google as a Starting Point for Specific Queries, but Do Not Intentionally Use It to Search for Articles Abstract PDF
Laura Newton Miller 81-84
A Graduate Degree in Library or Information Science Is Required, but not Sufficient, to Enter the Profession Abstract PDF
Nazi Torabi 85-89
Development of Technology Competencies for Public Services’ Staff Has Limited External Validity Abstract PDF
Jason Martin 90-91

Using Evidence in Practice

Determining User Needs for an Academic Health Sciences Library Renovation Abstract PDF
Susan Powelson, Marcus Vaska 92-94


Patricia Knapp's Landmark Project to Develop a Plan of Curriculum-Integrated Library Instruction Abstract PDF
Carol D. Howe 95-98

EBL 101

Disseminating Your Research Abstract PDF
Virginia Wilson 99-100


EBLIP6 News – Registration Open Abstract PDF
News from the Library and Information Science Research Coalition (U.K.) Abstract PDF

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