ISSN: 1918-5901 (English) -- 1918-591X (Français)


Call for Themes

Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition invites thematic proposals (400-500 words) for future issues.

GMJ -- CE welcomes themes that examine the broad boundaries of communication and media studies, including, but not limited to, print media, broadcasting, radio, advertising, public relations, information and communication technologies, emerging media, alternative media, political communication, political economy of communication, journalism, research methodology, rhetoric, cultural studies, media effects, media ethics, communications law and policy, and so on. Given that the themes covered by this journal have implications that transcend national borders, proposed themes need not focus exclusively on Canada.

Topics related to the above specializations are numerous. However, priority for future issues of GMJ -- CE is given to themes that encompass the following topics:

  • Communication and Empire
  • Crises and Conflicts
  • Communication and Media Ethics
  • Economics of Communication
  • Foreign Policy, National Security, and Terrorism
  • Human Rights
  • Immigration and Citizenship
  • Innovation, regulation and control
  • Mobile Technologies and Digital Consumption
  • Multiculturalism
  • Ethnicity and Identity

Theme proposals should be sent electronically as Word Document attachments to Dr. Mahmoud Eid at


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