Vol 8, No 3 (2007)

Open Issue

Table of Contents


Sabbaticals HTML PDF MP3
Heather Kanuka

Main Section

Cross-Cultural Delivery of e-Learning Programmes: Perspectives from Hong Kong Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Andrew Lap-sang Wong Article 8.3.1
Persistence in University Continuing Education Online Classes Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Jia Frydenberg Article 8.3.2
Going the Distance: Towards a new professionalism for full-time distance education faculty at the University of the Philippines Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Patricia Arinto Article 8.3.3
Access to Communication for Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing and ESL Students in Blended Learning Courses Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Gary Long, Karen Vignare, Raychel P. Rappold, James R. Mallory Article 8.3.4
OOPS, Turning MIT Opencourseware into Chinese: An analysis of a community of practice of global translators Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Mimi Miyoung Lee, Meng-Fen Grace Lin, Curtis J. Bonk Article 8.3.5
The Emergence of Open-Source Software in North America Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Guohua Pan, Curtis J. Bonk Article 8.3.6
Identifying Effective Pedagogical Approaches for Online Workplace Training: A case study of the South African wood products manufacturing sector Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Iain S. Macdonald, Mark Bullen, Robert Kozak Article 8.3.7
Re-organizing Universities for the Information Age Abstract HTML PDF MP3
David Annand Article 8.3.8
Same Size Doesn't Fit All: Insights from research on listening skills at the University of the South Pacific (USP) Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Rajni Chand Article 8.3.9

Research Notes

Combating HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Nigeria: Responses from National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Ambe-Uva Terhemba Nom
Lessons from an International e-Learning Project Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Paul Breen
Incorporating Screencasts In Online Teaching Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Elaine Peterson

Book Notes

Book Review – Good Video Games + Good Learning: Collected essays on video games, learning and literacy HTML PDF MP3
Sharon Stoerger
Book Review – The Virtual University – Models and Messages: Lessons from case studies HTML PDF MP3
Denis Mayer


Research Results from BC’s Connected Learner’s Technology Projects Elluminate
Elizabeth Childs, Lara Jongedijk
Taking Action Learning Online in the 3D Virtual World of Second Life Elluminate
Lindy McKeown
Toward a Unified Theory of Instruction in the Cognitive Domain Elluminate
Paul Gorsky
Measuring the link between technology and transactional distance in Distance Education Elluminate
Phillip Potts, Denis Tanguay
Towards the Personalised Learning Environment: Reality versus rhetoric Elluminate
Steven Warburton
Using Third Generation Activity Theory and Contradictions to Analyse Qualitative Data Elluminate
Elizabeth Murphy, Maria Rodriguez Manzanares
Online Graduate Study of Health Care Learners' Perceptions of Instructional Immediacy Elluminate
Sherri Melrose
Lessons learned in researching virtual schools: The Newfoundland and Labrador experience Elluminate
Michael Barbour

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