Vol 1, No 1 (2000)

Theme Issue: The Problems and Promise: Into the New Century

Table of Contents

Main Section

Editorial HTML PDF MP3
Peter S. Cookson Article 1.1.1
Theoretical Challenges for Distance Education in the 21st Century: A Shift from Structural to Transactional Issues Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Randy Garrison Article 1.1.2
Digital Learning Environments: New Possibilities and Opportunities Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Otto Peters Article 1.1.3
Research in Distance Education: A Status Report Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Farhad Saba Article 1.1.4
Rethinking the Research Agenda Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Hilary Perraton Article 1.1.5
Beauty Lies in the Eye of the Beholder Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Judith Calder Article 1.1.6
Current Developments and Best Practice in Open and Distance Learning Abstract HTML PDF MP3
Armando Rocha Trinidade, Hermano Carmo, José Bidarra Article 1.1.7

Book Notes

Book Review - Distance Learners in Higher Education: Institutional responses for quality outcomes. HTML PDF MP3
Wil Verrick
Book Review – Online Education: Learning and teaching in cyberspace. Author: Greg Kearsley. HTML PDF MP3
Insung Jung
Book Review ~ Higher Education in an Era of Digital Competition: Choices and challenges. Editor: Donald E. Hanna and Associates. HTML PDF MP3
Elizabeth Stacey

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