International Review of Research on Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL)


Special Issue: Prior, Experiential and Informal Learning in Open and Distance Institutions
Edited by Dianne Conrad
Athabasca University

Universities are generally not known for their ability to nimbly respond to change. Open and distance universities, while predicated on a non-traditional set of conditions that impact entrance and delivery protocols, are often still, at heart, committed to and bound by academic histories and government legislation. While this double-edged sword of obligation permits the university to enjoy its role as an institution of higher and privileged learning, at the same time it may curtail both its ability to step outside its traditions and its desire to do so.

This special issue of IRRODL seeks to explore and define this tension on both theoretical and practical levels. Theoretical discussions can explore issues of institution mission, governance, vision, and the broad swath of pedagogical and philosophical approaches that support RPL. Practical issues can involve studies of implementation, barriers, innovative practices, and the increasing importance of economic and political factors playing into institutional policy and decision-making.

Note that IRRODL normally features a section called Field Notes. In our special edition, I hope that we will use this space to present innovative undertakings in or explorations of your RPL practice.
We particularly welcome papers on issues of:

• Policy, regarding the implementation, development, or regulation of prior, experiential and/or informal learning processes within the institution; governance; organizational learning

• Assessment, regarding best practice; issues of authenticity; quality assurance; transparency; recruitment and training of assessors or evaluators

• Culture and diversity, regarding best practices in and barriers to; social responsibility; social integration; social justice; community development; immigration and settlement

• Portfolios and e-portfolios, regarding assessment and accreditation; standards and design; relationship to employability and/or the workplace; demonstration of competencies, skills, and knowledge; development of identity; relationship to learning and/or personal or professional growth

• Socio-economic and political relevance, regarding response to OECD and/or government initiatives; labour and union issues; workplace learning

• Research and/or the field; areas of growth; collaborative practice


Deadline for paper submission - June 18

Acceptance of papers for peer review - June 30

Final editorial decision based on peer review - October 29

Projected publication date - January 2011

Guidelines for Authors
Available at IRRODL at

Please note that IRRODL accepts both research-based articles and concept pieces, as well as practice-based pieces (Field Notes, described above)

For further information, contact Dr. Dianne Conrad, Guest Editor, at

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