Special Edition: Connectivism: Design and delivery of social networked learning

Edited by George Siemens (Athabasca University) and Gráinne Conole (Open University)

The special issue will have its main focus on Connectivism and social networked learning in distance and open education.

Particular emphasis will be placed on emerging technologies, innovative design and evaluation approaches to the design and delivery of social networked learning, learning theory frameworks for digital learning, faculty development through distributed models, innovative pedagogical approaches, research on effectiveness and applicability of connectivism in various contexts, historical roots of social networked learing, and comparison studies between major learning theories in relation to connectivism.

We particularly welcome papers on:

• Actor Network Theory in relation to social networked learning
• Activity Theory
• Critique of Connectivism as a learning theory
• Design methodologies for social networked learning
• Personal learning environments and learning management systems
• Research agenda around Connectivism
• Distributed learning in fragmented information environments
• Open learning and transparent teaching
• New theoretical insights into understanding new technologies
• Models and frameworks for social networking
• Innovative approaches to the design and delivery of social networked learning
• Case studies and empirical studies on social networked learning
• Epistemological foundations for networked knowledge

Authors are cautioned that the International Review of Open and Distance Learning is not soliciting manuscripts dealing with technology use in traditional classrooms.


March 30 – Call for Papers
May 30 – Call closed
July 30 – Peer review completed, revisions requested
August 30 – final copy due
October 30 – Issue released

Authors can submit their manuscripts online by registering with this journal then logging in and following an automated, five-step submission process.

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