Table of Contents

Main Section

Editorial -- CIDER is born HTML PDF
Terry Anderson Article 5.3.1
Learning and Affective Support Online in Small Group and Class Contexts HTML PDF
Bill Anderson, Mary Simpson Article 5.3.2
Use of Distance Education by Religions of the World to Train, Edify, and Educate Adherents HTML PDF
P. Clint Rogers, Scott L. Howell Article 5.3.3
Telling Story! Voice in Photography: An online visual art critical studies program evaluation HTML PDF
Sandra Semchuk, Laural Tien Article 5.3.4
Stealing the Goose: Copyright and Learning HTML PDF
Rory McGreal Article 5.3.5
Bounded Community: Designing and Facilitating Learning Communities in Formal Courses HTML PDF
Brent G. Wilson, Stacey Ludwig-Hardman, Christine L. Thornam, Joanna C. Dunlap Article 5.3.6

Research Notes

Selecting Research Areas and Research Design Approaches in Distance Education: Process Issues HTML PDF
B.K. Passi, Sudarshan Mishra

Book Notes

Online Education and Learning Management Systems: Global e-Learning in a Scandinavian Perspective HTML PDF
Daniel Peraya
Papers and Debates on the Economics and Costs of Distance and Online Learning HTML PDF
Alaa Sadik
Theory and Practice of Online Learning HTML PDF
Morten Paulsen

Technical Notes

Advanced Accessibility Features for Inclusive Distance Education HTML PDF
Linda Schwartz
Assistive Software for Disabled Learners HTML PDF
Sharon Clark, Jon Baggaley
Defining a Theological Education Community HTML PDF
John Palka
Marriage Mentorship at a Distance HTML PDF
Harry Doxsee
The International Learning Object Metadata Survey HTML PDF
Norm Friesen
WebCT: A major shift of emphasis HTML PDF
Barbara Morningstar, Jeremy Schubert, Kristine Thibeault

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