Table of Contents


Issues, Challenges and Possibilities for Academics and Tutors at Open and Distance Learning Environments HTML PDF MP3
Heather Kanuka

Main Section

"It's a unique role!" Perspectives on tutor attributes and expertise in distance language teaching HTML PDF MP3
Monica Shelley, Cynthia White, Uwe Baumann, Linda Murphy Article 7.2.1
Identification, Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Tutors at the Open University of Israel HTML PDF MP3
Ruth Beyth-Marom, Gal Harpaz-Gorodeisky, Avaid Bar-Haim, Eti Goder Article 7.2.2
A Multi-Island Situation Without the Ocean: Tutors' perceptions about working in isolation from colleagues HTML PDF MP3
Ilse Fouche Article 7.2.3
Adaptation for a Changing Environment: Developing learning and teaching with information and communication technologies HTML PDF MP3
Adrian Kirkwood, Linda Price Article 7.2.4
Distance Learning Program for Teachers at The Kigali Institute of Education: An expository study HTML PDF MP3
Dariya Mukamusoni Article 7.2.5
Academics Telecommuting in Open and Distance Education Universities: Issues, challenges and opportunities HTML PDF MP3
Cheuk Fan Ng Article 7.2.6
Faculty Development as Community Building - An approach to professional development that supports Communities of Practice for Online Teaching HTML PDF MP3
B. J. Eib, Pam Miller Article 7.2.7

Book Notes

Book Review – Education and Health Structure: An overview HTML PDF MP3
Sherri Melrose

Technical Notes

Portable Applications in Mobile Education HTML PDF MP3
Jon Baggaley

Creative Commons License
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