Table of Contents


Editorial: Technology, Policy, and the Right to Education HTML PDF MP3
Barbara Spronk

Main Section

Open Content and Open Educational Resources: Enabling universal education HTML PDF MP3
Tom Caswell, Shelley Henson, Marion Jensen, David Wiley Article 9.1.1
OpenCourseWare, Global Access and the Right to Education: Real access or marketing ploy? HTML PDF MP3
Henk Johannes Huijser, Tas Bedford, David Bull Article 9.1.2
New Ways of Mediating Learning: Investigating the implications of adopting open educational resources for tertiary education at an institution in the United Kingdom as compared to one in South Africa HTML PDF MP3
Tina Wilson Article 9.1.3
Technology-Enhanced Learning in Developing Nations: A review HTML PDF MP3
Shalni Gulati Article 9.1.4
Using ICT and distance education to increase access, equity and quality of rural teachers’ professional development HTML PDF MP3
Bernadette Robinson Article 9.1.5
The Role of Open and Distance Learning in the Implementation of the Right to Education in Zambia HTML PDF MP3
Richard Siaciwena, Foster Lubinda Article 9.1.6
Exploring the Role of Distance Education in Fostering Equitable University Access for First Generation Students: A phenomenological survey HTML PDF MP3
Lisa C. Priebe, Tamra L. Ross, Karl W. Low Article 9.1.7

Book Notes

Book Review – De la educación a distancia a la educación virtual HTML PDF MP3
Peter Cookson


Problem Based Learning in Distance Education: A case study Elluminate Recording
Deana Halonen
Ontologies for Effective Use of Context in e-Learning Settings Elluminate Recording
Dragan Gašević, Jelena Jovanović, Colin Knight, Griff Richards
Designing the Undesignable: Social software and control Elluminate Recording
Jon Dron
Problems and Little Victories in Transcript Analysis Elluminate Recording
Patrick Fahy

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