Vol. 8 (2) (Nov 2013)

Island Studies Journal – ISSN: 1715 – 2593

Vol. 8, No. 2, November 2013


Pages 207 – 208: Table of Contents

Scholarly Articles:

Pages 209 – 232: What the sea portends: a reconsideration of contested island tropes

      Pete Hay

[ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 233 – 254: Empire and erasure: a case study of Pitcairn Island

                              Maria Amoamo

                        [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 255 – 268: From asset in war to asset in diplomacy: Orkney in the medieval realm of Norway

Ian Peter Grohse

                        [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 269 – 284: The island as container: islands, archipelagos and player movement in video games

Elizabeth Nyman

                        [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 285 – 298: Pronounced particularity: a comparison of governance structures on Lord Howe Island and Fernando de Noronha

Arianne Reis & Philip Hayward

                        [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Pages 299 – 320: Riding the globalization wave (1974-2004): islandness and strategies of economic development in two post-colonial states

                              Marina Karides

                         [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Book Reviews:

Pages 321 – 342:

Threatened island nations: Legal implications of rising seas and a changing climate by Gregory E. Wannier & Michael B. Gerrard (eds). (reviewer: Ilan Kelman)

Islands at risk?  Environments, economies and contemporary change by John Connell. (reviewer: Godfrey Baldacchino)

Oceania and the Victorian imagination: Where all things are possible by Richard D. Fulton and Peter H. Hoffenberg (eds). (reviewer: Ralph Crane)

Hy Brasil: The metamorphosis of an island from cartographic error to Celtic Elysium by Barbara Freitag. (reviewer: Evelyn Edson)

Don't ever whisper: Darlene Keju: Pacific health pioneer, champion for nuclear survivors by Giff Johnson. (reviewer: Lauren Hirshberg).

Intimate strangers: Friendship, exchange and Pacific encounters by Vanessa Smith. (reviewer: Frank R. Thomas)

Islanded identities: Constructions of postcolonial cultural insularity edited by Maeve McCusker and Anthony Soares. (reviewer: Laurie Brinklow)

Novel ecosystems: Intervening in the new ecological world order by Richard J. Hobbs, Eric S. Higgs & Carol Hall (eds). (reviewer: Dennis Hansen)

Politics and democracy in microstates: A comparative analysis of the effects of size on contestation and inclusiveness by Wouter Veenendaal. (reviewer: Barry Bartmann)

Mallorca: The making of the landscape by Richard J. Buswell. (reviewer: Helen M. Roe)

‘Special issue: Islanding cultural geographies’, Cultural Geographies, Vol. 20, No. 2, by Godfrey Baldacchino and Eric Clark (guest eds.). (reviewer: Carl Griffin)


Copyright © 2013 Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Institute of Island Studies at the University of Prince Edward Island, the International Small Islands Studies Association, Island Studies Journal, its Editor, Editorial Board, or any of its Board members.

Island Studies Journal applies this Creative Commons designation to the work it publishes: CC-BY-ND: This license allows for redistribution, as long as it is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the original author.

Island Studies Journal is, since June 2012, the journal of the International Small Islands Studies Association: http://isisa.maui.hawaii.edu/ ; and, since June 2013, the journal of RETI: The Network of Island Universities: http://www.univ-corse.fr/international-reti-reseau-d%27excellence-des-territoires-insulaires-presentation-presentation-du-reti_2764.html


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