Vol. 10(1) (May 2015)


Island Studies Journal – ISSN: 1715 – 2593

Vol. 10, No. 1, May 2015


Pages 1 – 2:               Table of Contents

Pages 3 – 6:                Editorial

                                  The tenth volume of Island Studies Journal; and a tribute to one who helped make it happen                                                       Godfrey Baldacchino and collaborators

          [Full Article as PDF]


Pages 7 – 14:              Special Contribution

                                  Journal of Island Studies: preliminary ideas from 1991, and comments from 2015                                                                    Russell King and discussants         

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Scholarly Articles

Pages 15 – 30:             The Dutch Caribbean municipalities in comparative perspective – Wouter P. Veenendaal

                                   [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]


Pages 31 – 48:             Seychelles, a vulnerable or resilient SIDS? A local perspective – 

                                   Dean Philpot, Tim S. Gray and Selina M. Stead                   

                                   [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]


Pages 49 – 70:            Affordance of landscapes and economic socio-spatial networks in the Quinchao archipelago, Chile:

                                   a contribution to landscape research and island studies.

                                  Carlos Hidalgo, Francisco Ther, Gonzalo Saavedra and Asunción Díaz

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]


Pages 71 – 90:            Solving problems, the island way: human resourcefulness in action among the islanders of Gozo

                                  Joseph G. Azzopardi

                                  [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]


Pages 91 – 110:         Satisfaction with the quality of life on Croatian small islands: Zlarin, Kaprije and Žirje

                                 Sonja Podgorelec, Margareta Gregurović and Sanja Klempić Bogadi

                                 [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]


Review Essay

Pages 111 – 122:         On the representation of the island in my artwork –  Astrid Nobel

                                   [ABSTRACT] [Full Article as PDF]

Book Reviews:

Pages 123 – 136:

Islandology: Geography, rhetoric, politics by Marc Shell. (reviewer: James E. Randall).

Archipelagic modernism: Literature in the Irish and British Isles, 1890-1970 by John Brannigan. (reviewer: Alexandra Campbell).

Hemingway, Cuba, and the Cuban works by Larry Grimes and Bickford Sylvester (Eds.). (reviewer: Sarah Driscoll).

An introduction to the green economy: Science, systems and sustainability by Adrian C. Newton and Elena Cantarello. (reviewer: Graeme Robertson).

Surpassing the sovereign state: The wealth, self-rule and security advantages of partially independent territories by David A. Rezvani. (reviewer: Godfrey Baldacchino).

Landscape of peace: Mechanisms of social control on Lamotrek Atoll, Micronesia by Kerstin J. S. Werle. (reviewer: Frank R. Thomas).




Copyright © 2015 Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Arguments and ideas expressed in this journal are the sole responsibility of their respective authors. They cannot be attributed to the Institute of Island Studies at the University of Prince Edward Island, the International Small Islands Studies Association, the Excellence Network of Island Universities, Island Studies Journal, its Editor, Editorial Board, or any of its Board members.

Island Studies Journal applies this Creative Commons  designation to the work it publishes: CC-BY-ND: This license allows for redistribution, as long as material is passed along unchanged and in whole, with credit to the original author/s.

Since June 2012, Island Studies Journal is the journal of the International Small Islands Studies Association (ISISA) and of the Excellence Network of Island Universities (RETI).

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