
Support Island Studies Journal

Island Studies Journal is an open access publication that charges neither subscription fees nor submission fees. It is accessible free of charge to readers all over the world who possess an internet connection. All work that goes into editing and putting together issues of ISJ is undertaken on a voluntary basis, and the journal has no paid employees. Nevertheless, the journal is subject certain operational and periodic expenses.

We thus invite authors to make make an optional donation of 150 Danish kroner (equivalent to around 30 Canadian dollars, 20 US dollars,  or 20 euros) via PayPal alongside submission of their manuscript. To make a donation, please click on the 'Buy Now' button below.

Donations go to covering the maintenance costs for this website, membership of Crossref (and thereby allocation of DOIs), expenses connected with the journal's inclusion in international indexes, and student grants to cover part of the costs of attendance at Islands of the World (ISISA) conferences. Donations are not refundable. Contact the editor should you wish to discuss the journal's donations policy.