Information for Authors

To submit an article, please register yourself first by clicking on Register. You are also welcome to join the Research _Practice online forum.

Each submission is first examined by the editor for its relevance to JRP's focus, scope, and editorial perspective. If found relevant, it is next examined to check whether the Author Guidelines have been followed adequately, especially the guidelines on "Writing for JRP." The submission is expected to contain some critical self-reflection by the author(s) and be written for the broad and multidisciplinary readership of JRP.

Submission abstracts are usually shared in the Research_Practice online forum. Reviewers are generally selected from this forum. A submission can have three or more reviewers. Reviewers are requested to write their comments so as to be informative and helpful to the authors. The typical time taken to review is about 4-6 weeks. After the editorial decision is made, all the reviewers get to read each other's review.

You can learn more about the journal by clicking on About.

ISSUE NAVIGATION   Vol. 1, 2005 (1.1, 1.2) Vol. 2, 2006 (2.1, 2.2) Vol. 3, 2007 (3.1, 3.2)
Vol. 4, 2008 (4.1, 4.2) Vol. 5, 2009 (5.1, 5.2) ALL ISSUES (2005-2009)