smaller needles, CO 60[80] sts. Distribute sts evenly
between needles and join to begin working in the
round, being careful not to twist.
Work 10 rounds in 2x2 Rib.
Child Size Only:
Next Round: Using larger needles, [k4, m1]
18 times, k8. 78 sts.
Adult Size Only:
Next Round: Using larger needles, [(k2, m1)
twice, (k4, m1) nine times] twice. 102 sts.
All Sizes:
Work in 4x2 Rib until work measures 6.25[7.75] inches.
Shape Crown:
Round 1: [K1, k2tog, k1, p2] around. 65[85]
Rounds 2 & 3: [K3, p2] around.
Round 4: [K2tog, k1, p2] around. 52[68] sts.
Rounds 5 & 6: [K2, p2] around.
Round 7: [K2tog, p2tog] around. 26[34] sts.
Next Round: Using smaller needles,
[k1, p1] around.
Work 8 more rounds in rib as set.
Child Size Only:
Next Round: [Work 11 sts in patt,
k2tog] twice. 24 sts.
Adult Size Only:
Next Round: [Work 17 sts in patt,
m1] twice. 36 sts.
All Sizes:
Arrange your sts so that you have 2 needles with
12[18] sts each. Heel flap will be worked back and
forth over 12[18] sts on first needle only.
Heel Flap
Row 1 [RS]: [Sl 1, k1] to end.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1, p to end.
Repeat these 2 rows 4[5] times more. 10[12] rows
of Heel Flap have been worked.

Child Size Only:
Row 1 [RS]: Sl 1, k6, ssk, k1, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1, p3, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, k4, ssk, k1.
Row 4 [WS]: Sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1. 8 sts rem.
Adult Size Only:
Row 1 [RS]: Sl 1, k10, ssk, k1, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, k6, ssk, k1, turn.
Row 4 [WS]: Sl 1, p7, p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 5 [RS]: Sl 1, k8, ssk, k1.
Row 6 [WS]: Sl 1, p9, p2tog, p1. 12 sts rem.
K all sts on working needle (Needle 1), then with
same needle pick up and 7[8] sts along edge of heel
flap, and one st between heel flap and held sts;
using second needle (Needle 2), k held sts, then
pick up and k 1 st between held sts and heel flap,
then 7[8] sts along edge of heel flap. 16[21] sts
on Needle 1, 20[27] sts on Needle 2.
Next Round: K all sts on Needle 1, k first
12[18] sts of Needle 2, slip rem sts from Needle
2 to Needle 1. 24[30] sts on Needle 1, 12[18] sts
on Needle 2.
Next Round: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts on
Needle 1, k2tog, k1; k all sts on Needle 2.
Next Round: K all sts.
Repeat these 2 rounds 5 times more. 24[36] sts rem;
12[18] sts on each needle.
K 7[10] rounds.
Round 1: [K2, k2tog] around. 18[27] sts.
Round 2: K all sts.
Round 3: [K1, k2tog] around. 12[18] sts.
Round 4: K all sts.
Break yarn. Thread yarn on tapestry needle, draw
through sts and pull tight. Weave yarn though all
sts once more.