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A.L. de Sauveterreknitter's edgeBlack Sheep KnitteryPurpleTreeYarnmarketLoriKnitsUnwind YarnYarn CountryKnit Happens

della Q


The Knitty Level of Difficulty Index

Suitable for beginners.
Relaxing, not mentally taxing.
Knitting as therapy.

Tired of rectangles? Ready for something more challenging? Try these.
Fun things with zing. A twist, even.

A little something for the seasoned knitter.
Daring but not exhausting.

Suitable for those with a lot of experience. Or patience. Or both.
These babies have teeth.
Hoo boy.

The Knitty Standard Book of British Birds

alt alternate
approx approximately
beg begin[ning]
BO bind off [cast off]
cab cable
CC contrasting color
cn cable needle
CO cast on
cont continue[ing]
dec decrease[ing]
dpn double pointed needles[s]
foll follow[s][ing]
g grams
i-cord When working I-cord, work is not turned. Instead of turning the work around to work back on the WS, slide all sts to the other end of the needle, switch the needle back to your left hand, bring the yarn around the back of the work, and start knitting the sts again. After the first 2 sts, give the yarn a sharp tug.
Repeat this row to form I-cord. After a few rows, the work will begin to form a tube.
inc increase[ing]
incl including
inst instructions
k knit
k tbl knit through back of loop
k2tog knit two together
kfb knit into front and back of stitch
m meter[s]
MB make bobble
MC main color
m1 make one stitch
mm millimeters
mult multiple
opp opposite
oz ounces
p purl
p2tog purl two together
patt[s] pattern[s]
pfb purl into front and back of stitch
pm place marker
psso pass slipped stitch[es] over
rem remaining
  rep repeat
rev St st reverse stockinette stitch
RS right side[s]
rnd[s] round[s]
sc single crochet
  SSK slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit those 2 stitches together
SSP slip 2 stitches as if to purl, then purl those 2 stitches together
sl slip
slp slip one as if to purl
sl st slip stitch
st[s] stitch[es]
St st stockinette stitch
tbl through back of loop[s]
tog together
WS wrong side[s]

Wrap and turn. Bring yarn to front of work between needles, slip next st to right-hand needle, bring yarn around this st to back of work, slip st back to left-hand needle, turn work to begin working back in the other direction.

YO yarn over
* * repeat directions between ** as many times as indicated