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Cool stuff!
[in which fall brings more than pumpkins and cider...we've got pages and pages of all the best new knitting stuff]
Jillian Moreno

Techniques with Theresa
[in which the binding off continues in more ways than you can shake a pointy stick at!]

Thinking beyond the pattern
[in which Jenna completes her thoughts on shortening pattern pieces]

Knit like a man
[will return in winter]
David Demchuk

[in which we talk reconstructed bags]

[in which we learn about very wee cables and how friendly they are]
Ariel Barton

Extreme knitting: 2 socks in 1
[in which a clever girl shows off...and shows you how to do it, too]
Kory Stamper

The joy of swatching
[in which we hear, once again, but differently this time, about the S word]
Julie Theaker

Rebuild it
[in which a before sweater is reborn as an after]
Lorraine Smith

7 knits for 7 flicks - a knitter's guide to the movies
[in which movies are presented that you might not have thought of as inspiration]
Sara Pepper

Knittyspin, the column
[in which the editor spent the summer writing books and making magazines, and didn't have time to touch raw fiber even for a moment, and isn't happy about it. This will be rectified shortly. See you in winter.]
Amy R Singer

Profile: Shannon Okey
[in which we meet the Donald Trump of the knitting world -- but she has better hair]
Jillian Moreno

dye fingerprint
[in which two very different people start with the same ingredients and finish with something totally different]
Symeon North & Amy King

woolly acres
[in which Kate learns that wool comes from sheep!]
Kate Atherley

pattern: sheep wrap
[in which the sheepy wool turns into something to keep Kate warm]
Kate Atherley

pattern: orangina
[in which we get an advance look at a pattern from Shannon Okey's Spin to Knit]
Jillian Moreno