Vol 18 (1998)

Table of Contents

Front Matter PDF
Introduction PDF
Ronald Labelle

Families and Identities / La famille et l'identité

Transmission du patrimoine culturel familieal: un champ de recherche partagé entre l'oral et l'écrit PDF
Mario Mimeault
Jewish Tradion and Philanthropy in a Canadian Industrial Community PDF
Elizabeth Beaton
Interracial Relationship: The Women's Experiences PDF
Elaine E. Bauer
Transplanted Utah: Mormon Communities in Alberta PDF
Jessie L. Embry
An Oral History of Choral Success: The Don Wright Chorus and the Earle Terry Singers PDF
Patricia Skidmore

Oral History Projects / Projets d'histoire orale

The Osgoode Society Oral History Programme 1979-1999 PDF
Chris Kates

Brief Report / Rapport bref

À propos d'une decision de la Cour suprême du Canada ou de l'intérêt de l'histoire orale amérindienne PDF
Jacques Vanderlinden

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus

Women of Mongolia by Martha Avery PDF
Trudy Sable
Our Tellings : Interior Salish Stories of the Nla7kápmx People by Darwin Hannna & Mamie Henry; Ninoontaan / I Can Hear it : Ojibwe Stories from Lansdowne House by Cecilia Sugarhead PDF
Renée Hulan
Constructing a Collective Memory of the Holocaust: A Life History of Two Brothers' Survival by Ronald Berger; Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi PDF
Marty Zelenietz
The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis by Ernest R. May & Philip D. Zelikow; Taking Charge: The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964 by Michael R. Beschless PDF
James H. Morrison
Call For Papers / Appel de communications PDF
Contributors / Collaborateurs PDF

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